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* The _Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom_ (Lesson 20) walks you through the features of Photoshop.

## Opening and Saving a New Project

You must open a new document for each image you will work on, so set up your new project by choosing File⇒New in Photoshop. The New dialog box appears as shown in Figure 3.10.

**Figure 3.10** : The New dialog box in Photoshop

Choose the file type that you want to open by choosing File Type from the left side of the dialog box.

Use the Size drop-down menu to specify the file size you want to create. Choose the number of images per page and the number of pages.

Uncheck the Make Files Larger check box if you prefer to keep your files small.

Uncheck the Make Files Smaller check box if you prefer to keep your files large.

You can choose to make your document a multi-page document by clicking the radio button next to Images per Page, or you can open your document as a single page. Choose Tiled or Tile, depending on how your images will appear, and click OK.

Select the new document by clicking anywhere in the document window and then press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac). The name for your new document appears in the right side of the document window. This name is the name you will use to open and save this document.

Use the New dialog box to create additional new documents to house your images in this project.

## Loading a Previous Project

If you have saved a project before you do some editing, you can find it by choosing File⇒Open Recent. The Open Recent dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 3.11, and you can use the boxes on the left side of the box to specify which folders to search, and you can access recent files right away by choosing the Recent Files tab.

**Figure 3.11** : The Open Recent dialog box in Photoshop

If you want to search through a folder for a project you may have created, but you aren’t sure the exact name of the project, click the drop-down arrow next to the Search for box in the upper-left side of the box and choose None. Click the folder icon and navigate to the folder where you think you saved this project, right-click it, and choose Open.

You can view the list of projects you have

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Edit images, create artwork, even do graphics

Photoshop Elements is a simple, affordable and feature-packed image editing and graphics app. It can be used to edit every kind of photos, videos and simple graphics. This is a great app for photographers, web designers, graphic designers, and tech-savvy people alike.

The best part? Adobe Photoshop Elements is free to download and use!

12 ultimate Photoshop Elements (PSE) keyboard shortcuts

Surely you knew the shortcuts to Photoshop elements and you use them all the time. Here are a few of the keyboard shortcuts that make a big difference.



Ctrl-Z / ⌘-Z

Brush – Press and hold down Alt/Option key and click to paint with the cursor.

– Press and hold down Alt/Option key and click to paint with the cursor. Crop – Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the area of the image you want to crop.

– Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the area of the image you want to crop. Fade to Black – Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the right side of the image to fade white and black colors to black.

– Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the right side of the image to fade white and black colors to black. Fade to White – Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the left side of the image to fade white and black colors to white.

– Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the left side of the image to fade white and black colors to white. Flip Horizontal – Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the bottom left corner of the image. This will flip the image vertically.

– Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the bottom left corner of the image. This will flip the image vertically. Flip Vertical – Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the top left corner of the image. This will flip the image horizontally.

– Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the top left corner of the image. This will flip the image horizontally. Invert – Select Image > Adjustments > Invert.

– Select Image > Adjustments > Invert. Linearly Adjust – Press the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the right side of the image to increase the brightness or decrease it.

– Press the Ctrl/Cmd key

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It was the morning of the first day back to school for the entire elementary school. Suzy was riding her bike to school and along with Mike and I, who were also there on the early side (as only the youngest would be) we headed for the bus stop. Mike and I were talking about a parade and Suzy said, “Mom, I’m glad you can’t drive. You don’t have your license.”

I replied, “I know, Suzy, but that’s okay. We don’t actually need it. We’ll just get a medal.”

And, of course, Mike reminded me that that’s how we got to school every day the first week of first grade. There was no medal that day. We had to walk.

P.S. Another footnote to this story: In North Dakota, unlike some other states, we still have a three-month waiting period for driver’s licenses. Driving your child to school is not the same thing as taking a road test.The search for new therapeutic agents has been greatly aided in recent years by a better understanding of the structure of enzymes and other biomolecules associated with diseases. One important class of enzymes that has been the subject of extensive study is protein kinases.
Protein kinases constitute a large family of structurally related enzymes that are responsible for the control of a variety of signal transduction processes within the cell. (See, Hardie, G. and Hanks, S. The Protein Kinase Facts Book. I and II, Academic Press, San Diego, Calif.: 1995). Protein kinases are thought to have evolved from a common ancestral gene due to the conservation of their structure and catalytic mechanism. Almost all kinases contain a similar 250-300 amino acid catalytic domain. The kinases may be categorized into families by the substrates they phosphorylate (e.g., protein-tyrosine, protein-serine/threonine, lipids, etc.). Sequence motifs have been identified that generally correspond to each of these kinase families (See, for example, Hanks, S. K., Hunter, T., FASEB J. 1995, 9, 576-596; Knighton et al., Science 1991, 253, 407-414; Hiles et al., Cell 1992, 70, 419-429; Kunz et al., Cell 1993, 73, 585-596; Garcia-Bustos et al

What’s New In?

3. Click the Layers panel menu in the top left of the window and select New Smart Object.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Layers palette at the bottom of your screen, name the new smart object **Paint**.
6. Add a layer mask to the Paint layer using the Paintbrush tool (R) and paint in some purple or red to create a blending effect.
7. Once you’re done with the blending of the layer, click the Enhance Pass button (L), which is to the left of the layer mask thumbnail.
8. Enter **Pass** into the Type Selector.
9. Click OK to close the dialog box.
10. Select the Gaussian Blur filter from the Effects panel, and adjust the radius to make the layer more blurry.
11. Select the Colorize filter from the Effects panel and adjust the color and saturation values to make the layer more pastel-like.

## How it works…

Photoshop’s smart object functions combine a layer and its mask into one and treat them as one unit. This allows you to manage both independently. You can clone, mask, or even modify the smart object’s layers without affecting the original layer.

# Automating the creation of effects

Sometimes creating effects in Photoshop can become a nightmare or a chore. If you’re creative and love to be in front of the computer in order to produce something of value, you may sometimes enjoy creating and adjusting different types of effects manually, which is time consuming. Thankfully, Photoshop’s effects work in an automated fashion. With just a few mouse clicks, you can build, modify, and add an infinite number of effects.

## Getting ready

In this recipe, we’ll use an image called `pic.jpg`, which you can download from .

## How to do it…

Although a large number of settings and tools in Photoshop allow you to automatically manipulate different effects, in this recipe we’ll look at a couple of the most commonly used. The first is the **Two-Layer Effect**.

The following screenshot shows how to access this tool:

In the Two-Layer Effects dialog box, choose a layer, right-click over it, and choose the effect type. Select one of the options from the drop-down menu.

In the

System Requirements:

PC / Mac
Minimum: OS X 10.6.8, Windows 7 or later
Processor: Intel Core i3 2100 (2.3GHz) or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M/AMD Radeon HD 3450/Intel HD 4000
Storage: 15 GB available space
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