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How to add the bibliography of a single file to a special environment?

I’m editing a journal paper and want to add in the bibliography all the journal, company, and book papers I’m quoting, but without referencing them individually. I’d like to be able to put them all in a list, separated by commas like that:
The paper was published as:

Blah, J. W., & Thing, B. (1994). Abstract state, neural state, neural state analysis: A case for nomothetic-idiographic model. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago, IL.

In this case, I’d like to have a citation record which looks like this:

Blah, J. W., & Thing, B. (1994) (1994, Blah, & Thing). Abstract State, Neural State, Neural State Analysis: A Case for Nomothetic-Idiographic Model. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago, IL.

In a larger system, I’d like to be able to mark these citations in files with a special name (journal.bib, company.bib, book.bib), so I don’t have to duplicate the whole preamble over and over again.

What are the options for doing this (I’ve never used BibTeX before)?
Are there any plugins/scripts/macros that do this out-of-the-box?


The paper you reference contains just one bib-entry in bibtex’s built-in bibliography style, so there is no need to handle multiple entries.
If you use bibtex 9 or newer, you can use the bibtex-journal builtin bib-style to specify a custom bib-entry format. If you use an older version, you can build your own bib-entry format (see the bibtex manual for details).

), with variation in the data from different ethnic groups.[@R44]

Correlation of glycaemic control with HbA~1c~ results from our data from a single study hospital and thus cannot be taken as a true measure



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