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Since 1994, when AutoCAD was first released, its user base has grown, and it is now the most widely used computer-aided design software. Almost every major engineering organization uses AutoCAD to design and create architectural, transportation, electrical and mechanical systems.
What Is AutoCAD?
AutoCAD, or AutoCAD LT is the first computer-aided design and drafting software program available to personal computers. Developed by Autodesk, AutoCAD was first released in December 1982 as a desktop app running on microcomputers with internal graphics controllers. Before AutoCAD was introduced, most commercial CAD programs ran on mainframe computers or minicomputers, with each CAD operator (user) working at a separate graphics terminal.
AutoCAD is a desktop application and has not changed much since it was introduced. AutoCAD is still available on PCs with Microsoft Windows operating systems and on Macs. It can be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. AutoCAD runs on laptops and mobile devices.
AutoCAD helps designers, engineers, architects, and other professionals complete their work quickly and efficiently. Features in AutoCAD, like custom views, templates, and other additions have grown to become indispensable tools for designers.
AutoCAD features include:
Simple and efficient design and drawing creation
AutoCAD has a streamlined user interface, that allows easy access to most features. AutoCAD’s drawing creation process is based on a drag-and-drop model. A simple setup wizard will guide users through the process. Once the project has begun, users simply drag and drop objects on the canvas.
Simplicity and efficiency of the process of creating a drawing
When users create drawings in AutoCAD, they start with a blank canvas and add objects. The process of creating a drawing in AutoCAD is a drag-and-drop model, where users can drag objects from the toolbar onto the drawing canvas. Then they can rotate, resize, move, copy, or duplicate those objects.
Add to existing drawings and new drawings
Objects that you add to existing drawings remain in the original file. You can create new files and add the objects you just created in the same way.
Use the new drawing/text, format, and edit tools
AutoCAD has introduced many new tools to help users accomplish specific tasks
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The AutoCAD Add-in architecture is a collection of software components that provide easy integration of outside programs with AutoCAD. It includes a software development kit (SDK) and Application Programming Interface (API), tools for creating and managing add-ins, as well as specialized tools to interact with external programs. AutoCAD’s API allows external programs to interact with AutoCAD through the API. The API defines a set of procedures, commands, and events that allow the user to integrate external programs with AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Architecture is a software product that uses this architecture. It is a comprehensive set of tools and components for creating third-party products and services.
2D and 3D modeling
The base product supports drawing. It is possible to create drawings in one of the two supported file formats: PDF and DWG. AutoCAD also supports importing and exporting of these two formats. Both file formats use the same coordinate system. Another file format which is supported is DGN which is natively supported by AutoCAD and can be imported and exported. Other file formats such as DXF and XPS which are supported by a number of other CAD programs can also be imported and exported.
In addition to the base product, Autodesk has released several add-on products that provide different functionalities, such as:
Cadastre, which is an add-on that allows users to edit city boundaries.
Draw Order, an add-on that enables users to write and read data in two different draw orders.
Digital Engineering Tools, an add-on that is a CAD system for the digital design of mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering projects.
Digital Mechanical Tools, an add-on that allows users to create and analyze industrial equipment.
Digital Structural Analysis Tools, an add-on that allows users to analyze structural components.
Engineering Lab, which is an add-on that allows users to simulate systems.
Electromechanical Tools, an add-on that allows users to create mechanical, electrical, and automation equipment.
Web Manufacturing Tools, an add-on that allows users to simulate product manufacturing processes.
The specific features of each add-on is listed in its respective product page.
AutoCAD uses a centralized architecture. This enables users to work on shared projects and projects that are associated with multiple users. The centralized architecture is based on a server which contains the complete application software. This server is made accessible to individual users
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Then go to the menu File > New and press the key “E” for the new project. Then you select: model, Layer, Technique, view… but the view is unnecessary.
Then you put the folder of your 3d models where you want.
This is the directory of the Autodesk 3D model.

In this new version, you can easily save a drawing as an annotative drawing. You can create new annotative drawings using a variety of tools, including Dynamic Content. (video: 12:30 min.)
See how it works in this feature article.
Time-based drawing automation:
Use automatic drafting by time to speed up repetitive tasks.
Automatically create a drawing, as a template, when you receive a text file. When you open the file, the drawing automatically updates to match the new design. (video: 1:52 min.)
In this new version, you can use the new automatic drafting by time to speed up repetitive tasks. By creating a drawing as a template when you receive a text file, you can open the file and automatically update it, so that the resulting drawing is a new design. (video: 12:30 min.)
See how it works in this feature article.
Enhanced performance and new features:
Analyze drawing performance before taking on a new project.
Design multiple drawings simultaneously.
Connect to mobile devices.
See how it works in this feature article.
Access data stored in other CAD apps.
Use common interchange formats like DW
System Requirements For AutoCAD:
• Supports Windows XP SP2 or later, Mac OS 10.4 or later, and Linux distribution with GTK+ 2.8 or later
• At least 1 GB of RAM (System.getProperty(“memory”) is recommended to be greater than 1 GB)
• At least 200 MB of free disk space
• You should have JDK 1.6 or later installed
• Java 7 or later is required (JDK 1.8 or later recommended)
• Be sure to use the recommended JDK version for your machine (i.e