
Backgammon Legends

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Backgammon Legends: The History and Strategy of an Ancient Game

Backgammon is one of the oldest and most popular board games in the world. It has been played for thousands of years by people from different cultures and regions. It is a game of skill and luck, where two players move their checkers on a board with 24 triangles, called points, according to the roll of two dice. The objective of the game is to be the first to move all 15 checkers off the board.

But who are the backgammon legends? How did they master this game and what can we learn from them? In this article, we will explore the history and strategy of backgammon, and introduce some of the most famous players who have left their mark on this ancient game.

The Origins of Backgammon

The exact origins of backgammon are not clear, but some evidence suggests that it may have originated in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 3000 BC. The oldest known game set was found in the Jiroft culture in Iran, dating back to around 2500 BC. The game was also played by the ancient Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese.

The modern version of backgammon emerged in England in the 17th century, where it was called “tables” or “Irish”. It was later renamed “backgammon” by Edmond Hoyle, a famous writer and authority on card and board games. Hoyle published the first book on backgammon rules in 1743.

The Basic Rules of Backgammon

The basic rules of backgammon are simple to learn but hard to master. Here is a brief overview of how to play:

  • Each player has 15 checkers of one color (usually white or black) that are placed on the board according to a specific setup.
  • The board is divided into four quadrants: the player’s home board and outer board, and the opponent’s home board and outer board. The middle of the board is separated by a ridge called the bar.
  • The players take turns rolling two dice and moving their checkers according to the numbers shown on the dice. They can move one checker for each die or two checkers for one die.
  • A checker can land on an empty point or a point occupied by one or more of the player’s own checkers. A checker cannot land on a point occupied by two or more of the opponent’s checkers.
  • If a player rolls a double (the same number on both dice), they can move four times using that number.
  • If a player lands on a point occupied by a single checker of the opponent (called a blot), they can hit that checker and send it to the bar.
  • A player who has one or more checkers on the bar must re-enter them into the opponent’s home board before moving any other checkers. They can only re-enter on an open point that matches one of the numbers rolled.
  • Once a player has moved all their checkers into their home board, they can start bearing them off (removing them from the board). They can only bear off a checker that matches one of the numbers rolled or a lower number if there are no higher points occupied.
  • The first player to bear off all their checkers wins the game.

The Basic Strategies of Backgammon

There are many strategies and tactics that can help you improve your backgammon skills and win more games. Here are some of the basic ones:

The Running Game

This is the simplest strategy, where you try to move your checkers as fast as possible towards your home board and bear them off. This strategy works best if you have an early lead or if you roll high numbers.

The Blitz

This is an aggressive strategy, where you try to attack your opponent’s vulnerable checkers and send them to the bar. This strategy works best if you have an advantage in position or if. you roll low numbers.

The Holding Game

This is a defensive strategy, where you try to maintain one or more points in your opponent’s home board, called anchors. This strategy works best if you are behind or if you roll medium numbers.

The Back Game

This is a risky strategy, where you try to build two or more anchors in your opponent’s home board and wait for an opportunity to hit their checkers. This strategy works best if you are far behind or if you roll very low numbers.

The Priming Game

This is a sophisticated strategy, where you try to build a wall of six consecutive points, called a prime, that blocks your opponent’s checkers from advancing. This strategy works best if you have a strong position or if you roll mixed numbers.

The Backgammon Legends

Backgammon has attracted many players over the centuries, some of whom have become legends in their own right. Here are some of the most famous backgammon players of all time:

Paul Magriel

Paul Magriel (1946-2018) was an American backgammon player, author, and mathematician. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest backgammon players and teachers of all time. He wrote the classic book “Backgammon”, which is considered the bible of the game. He also coined many terms and concepts that are still used today, such as the “pip count”, the “cube”, and the “Magriel’s Law”. He won many tournaments and championships, including the World Backgammon Championship in 1978.

Bill Robertie

Bill Robertie (1946-) is an American backgammon player, author, and chess master. He is one of the few players who have won the World Backgammon Championship twice, in 1983 and 1987. He also won the Monte Carlo World Backgammon Cup in 2006. He has written several books on backgammon strategy and analysis, such as “Advanced Backgammon” and “Modern Backgammon”. He is also known for his expertise in poker and chess.

Falafel Natanzon

Falafel Natanzon (1971-) is an Israeli backgammon player, nicknamed “Falafel” after his favorite food. He is considered one of the most charismatic and entertaining players in the game. He started playing backgammon in the streets of Tel Aviv and later moved to New York, where he became a professional player. He has won many tournaments and titles, including the World Backgammon Tour Player of the Year in 2007 and 2008. He was also ranked as the number one player in the world by the Giants of Backgammon list in 2015.

Akiko Yazawa

Akiko Yazawa (1975-) is a Japanese backgammon player and former model. She is one of the most successful female players in the history of the game. She has won several major tournaments and championships, including the World Backgammon Championship in 2014 and 2019. She is also known for her elegant and graceful style of play.

The Future of Backgammon

Backgammon is a game that has survived and thrived for millennia, thanks to its timeless appeal and endless variety. It is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age, gender, culture, or skill level. It is a game that can be played for fun or for money, online or offline, casually or competitively.

The future of backgammon looks bright, as more and more people discover and appreciate this ancient game. With the help of technology, such as online platforms, software programs, artificial intelligence, and live streaming, backgammon can reach new audiences and levels of excellence. With the help of education, such as books, videos, courses, and coaching, backgammon can inspire new generations of players and enthusiasts.

Backgammon is not just a game; it is a legend. A legend that has been passed down from generation to generation, from culture to culture, from player to player. A legend that you can be part of.


In this article, we have explored the history and strategy of backgammon, and introduced some of the most famous players who have left their mark on this ancient game. We have learned that backgammon is a game of skill and luck, where two players move their checkers on a board with 24 triangles according to the roll of two dice. We have learned that there are many strategies and tactics that can help us improve our backgammon skills and win more games. We have learned that backgammon has attracted many players over the centuries, some of whom have become legends in their own right. We have learned that backgammon is a game that has survived and thrived for millennia, thanks to its timeless appeal and endless variety. We hope that this article has sparked your interest and curiosity in backgammon, and that you will give it a try or play it more often. Backgammon is not just a game; it is a legend. A legend that you can be part of.


What are the best backgammon books for beginners?

There are many books that can help you learn the basics of backgammon, but some of the most recommended ones are:

  • “Backgammon for Dummies” by Chris Bray
  • “Backgammon for Winners” by Bill Robertie
  • “Backgammon: From Basics to Badass” by Marc Brockmann Olsen

What are the best backgammon apps for mobile devices?

There are many apps that can help you play backgammon online or offline, but some of the most popular ones are:

  • “Backgammon Live” by Come2Play
  • “Backgammon NJ” by Jimmy Hu
  • “Backgammon Masters” by 2KB LLC

What are the best backgammon websites for online play?

There are many websites that can help you play backgammon online with other players or against computer opponents, but some of the most reputable ones are:

  • “Backgammon Galaxy” by Backgammon Galaxy
  • “GammonSite” by GammonSite
  • “Backgammon Studio” by Terje Pedersen

What are the best backgammon tournaments and championships?

There are many tournaments and championships that can help you test your backgammon skills and compete with other players, but some of the most prestigious ones are:

  • “World Backgammon Championship” by World Backgammon Federation
  • “Monte Carlo World Backgammon Cup” by Monte Carlo World Backgammon Cup
  • “U.S. Backgammon Open” by U.S. Backgammon Federation

What are the best backgammon resources and communities?

There are many resources and communities that can help you learn more about backgammon, improve your game, and connect with other players, but some of the most useful ones are:

  • “Backgammon Learning Center” by Phil Simborg and Perry Gartner
  • “Backgames Magazine” by Backgames Magazine
  • “Backgammon Forum” by Backgammon Forum


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