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Platform is the most experienced website of cracked software around. This has been reviewed by a few people here and the feedback they have given as me was that the content is of good quality, not quite like crackedsoftware.org, but definitely one of the best.

Crackedsoftware.com is made up of crack sites that are actually safe and do not require you to be a member to download torrents. Because of this, you are sure to see tons of free software here that you would never find in the other websites. Also, the admins are highly friendly and are at the beck and call of the site visitors to help them whenever needed.

Leaksonline.cc or L0phtCracker, as it is more commonly known, is one of the largest file sharing sites that shares leaked software. It has a lot of content ranging from games, apps, videos, and software that is usually unavailable or at least in smaller amounts, and all the links lead directly to the developers or the original uploaders.

All the free downloads can be found on this site, from free casual games, to full-blown apps for your mobile devices. It has 10 million downloads and 90% are real. Youll find apps for Mac and Android but I want the iPhone one are best.



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