The largest torrent site, with a community of fans. Unlike other sites, this torrent site is made up of software only. It doesn’t hold music, movies or any other items. This torrent site has huge number of downloadable software and games through which millions of users get in touch with various software. is an awesome site for finding leaked and cracked games. This site gives you the liberty to download a lot of games that are not available on the internet. Because of the huge number of games, this website is not known to get any DMCA notice. This site is really good for games that are old and need to be cracked. is a great torrent site where we can find a vast of of games, software, movies, TV and any other digital files. You can find a lot of fun games here in which many of them are free to download. This site has lots of music, videos, books and any other digital files which you can download. is a site where all kind of content is available to download. Though it started as a site for people who wants to get the best website for online gaming but later on it has become one of the best sources for downloading everything. is one of the most popular files transfer service in the whole web. It has a huge user base and a lot of data to share. The dropbox file transfer service is not a torrent site. It only has two things in common with torrent sites, one is download and other is share. You can download a file or you can send the file as a gift by only entering the email address.
Steam is a brilliant multiplayer gaming platform that, besides being free, has a large amount of high quality games to download and play with friends for hours. You can also watch other people play online and go through the comments or even the chat. They are constantly updating their platform to add even more features, especially online co-op where you can play a game and share your progress as a team or as a party. It has a wide selection of genres and it includes a plethora of high quality games. It has its own store too, where you can download your games for an additional fee.