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Unleash your inner pirate! Pirate games is among the oldest sites dedicated to the cracked, free, shareware, and demo versions of commercial software. This site lets you download software for Windows, MAC, Linux, and others. This site is from Germany.
Downloading an app for your Android smartphone is a very, very easy thing to do. Just fire up the Google Play Store app, which is now easy to navigate, and click on the search box at the top left. You can search for apps by name, or by category, or even by the developer’s name.
FTP is also a popular file transfer protocol (often abbreviated as FTP). FTP is the simplest way to send and receive files to and from a computer. Through FTP, users can upload files and downloads to/from other users over the internet.
Nowadays, FTP has a huge number of use cases. You can upload your data to a website or a server, download it from there and also you can use it to transfer music, movies, pictures, etc. from one server to another.