
Bolt Movie Hindi Audio Track [EXCLUSIVE] Download ⏩

Bolt Movie Hindi Audio Track Download

Bolt is a 2008 animated movie that tells the story of a dog who believes that he has superpowers and goes on an adventure to save his owner. The movie is full of humor, action, and heartwarming moments that appeal to both kids and adults. If you are a fan of Bolt and want to watch it in Hindi, you may be wondering how to download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie.

A Hindi audio track is a file that contains the Hindi dubbing or voice-over for a movie. By downloading the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie, you can enjoy the movie in Hindi with the original video quality. However, finding and downloading the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie may not be as easy as it sounds. You may encounter some challenges such as finding the right source, syncing the audio and video, or troubleshooting any issues.

Don’t worry, we are here to help you. In this article, we will show you how to find and download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie in a few simple steps. We will also provide some tips on how to sync the audio and video and how to troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

How to Find and Download the Hindi Audio Track for Bolt Movie

There are two ways to find and download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie: manually or automatically.

Manually Finding and Downloading the Hindi Audio Track for Bolt Movie

If you want to manually find and download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie, you will need to visit some websites that offer audio tracks for movies in different languages. These websites usually have a large collection of audio tracks for various movies and genres. However, they may not always have the latest or the best quality audio tracks. You may also need to register or pay a fee to access some of these websites.

Here are some of the websites that you can try:

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to one of the websites mentioned above.
  2. Search for “Bolt” or “Bolt 2008” in the search box and click on “Search”.
  3. Select the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie from the list and click on “Download”.
  4. Save the file to your computer and remember its location.

You have now found and downloaded the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie manually. You will need to sync it with the video later.

Automatically Finding and Downloading the Hindi Audio Track for Bolt Movie

If you want to automatically find and download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie, you can use a software that will scan your computer and detect any movies that you have. The software will also find and download the matching audio tracks for your movies in any language that you want. This way, you don’t have to waste time searching for audio tracks online or worrying about their quality or compatibility.

There are many software available online that can help you find and download audio tracks for your movies, but we recommend using MKVToolNix, which is a free and easy-to-use software that can help you find and download any audio tracks for your movies.

Here are the steps to use MKVToolNix to find and download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie:

  1. Download and install MKVToolNix from https://www.mkaudiotool.com/.
  2. Launch MKVToolNix and click on “Add source files”.
  3. Select the video file of Bolt movie from your computer and click on “Open”.
  4. Click on “Start muxing” and wait for MKVToolNix to scan your video file and find any available audio tracks online.
  5. Select the Hindi audio track from the list and click on “Download”.
  6. Save the file to your computer and remember its location.

You have now found and downloaded the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie automatically using MKVToolNix. You will need to sync it with the video later.

How to Sync the Hindi Audio Track with the Video of Bolt Movie

After you have downloaded the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie, you will need to sync it with

To sync the Hindi audio track with the video of Bolt movie, you will need to use a software that can merge or mux them together. Merging or muxing means combining two or more files into one single file. There are many software available online that can help you merge or mux any audio and video files together, but we recommend using MKVToolNix, which is a free and easy-to-use software that can help you merge or mux any audio and video files together.

Here are the steps to use MKVToolNix to sync the Hindi audio track with the video of Bolt movie:

  1. Launch MKVToolNix and click on “Add source files”.
  2. Select both the video file and the Hindi audio track file of Bolt movie from your computer and click on “Open”.
  3. Click on “Start muxing” and wait for MKVToolNix to merge or mux them together into one single file.
  4. Save the file to your computer and remember its location.

You have now synced the Hindi audio track with the video of Bolt movie using MKVToolNix. You can now watch Bolt movie in Hindi with the original video quality.

How to Troubleshoot Any Issues with Your Hindi Audio Track of Bolt Movie

If you have any issues with your Hindi audio track of Bolt movie, such as no sound, low sound, out of sync sound, etc., don’t worry. There are some simple troubleshooting steps that you can try to fix them. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

No Sound at All

If you don’t hear any sound at all from your speakers or headphones when watching Bolt movie in Hindi, you should check the following:

  • Make sure that your speakers or headphones are plugged in correctly and turned on.
  • Make sure that your volume is not muted or too low. You can adjust your volume by clicking on the speaker icon in the lower-right corner of your screen or by using the volume buttons on your keyboard.
  • Make sure that your sound output device is set correctly. You can change your sound output device by right-clicking on the speaker icon in the lower-right corner of your screen and selecting “Open Sound settings”. Then, under “Output”, choose your speakers or headphones from the drop-down menu.
  • Make sure that your media player is compatible with MKV files. You can try using a different media player such as VLC Media Player, which is a free and versatile software that can play any media files.
  • Make sure that your media player is configured correctly. You can change your media player settings by opening it and going to its preferences or options menu. Then, look for any settings related to sound, audio, subtitles, languages, etc. Make sure that they are set according to your preferences.

Low Sound Quality

If you hear low sound quality from your speakers or headphones when watching Bolt movie in Hindi, such as low volume, distorted sound, static noise, etc., you should check the following:

  • Make sure that your speakers or headphones are not damaged or dirty. You can try cleaning them with a soft cloth or using another pair of speakers or headphones.
  • Make sure that your sound quality settings are not too high or too low. You can adjust your sound quality settings by right-clicking on the speaker icon in
    the lower-right corner of your screen and selecting “Open Sound settings”. Then, under “Output”, click on “Device properties”. Then, under “Additional device properties”, click on “Enhancements”. Here, you can enable or disable various sound enhancements such as bass boost, loudness equalization, virtual surround, etc. You can also adjust your equalizer settings by clicking on “Levels”. Try different combinations of settings until you find one that suits your preferences.
  • Make sure that there is no interference from other devices or sources. You can try moving your speakers or headphones away from any electrical appliances, wireless devices, magnets, etc. that may cause interference. You can also try using a different audio cable or port if possible.

Out of Sync Sound

If you hear out of sync sound from your speakers or headphones when watching Bolt movie in Hindi, such as delayed sound, mismatched sound, overlapping sound, etc., you should check
the following:

  • Make sure that your media player is compatible with MKV files. You can try using a different media player such as VLC Media Player, which is a free and versatile software that can play any media files.
  • Make sure that your media player is
  • Make sure that your audio and video files are synced correctly. You can check the sync status by playing the file and looking for any delays or mismatches between the audio and video. You can also use a software such as MKVToolNix to adjust the sync settings by changing the delay or offset values of the audio track.


In this article, we have shown you how to find and download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie in a few easy steps. We have also provided some tips on how to sync the audio and video and how to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


In this article, we have shown you how to find and download the Hindi audio track for Bolt movie in a few easy steps. We have also provided some tips on how to sync the audio and video and how to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.



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