
Bukhari Sharif Full Free Free Download In Bangla Pdfl

Bukhari Sharif Full Free Free Download In Bangla Pdfl


Bukhari Sharif Full Free Download In Bangla Pdfl

the prophet (peace be upon him) has said that al-mukhawi is the best and sahih al bukhari is next. it is only books that have the highest grade, that the prophet (peace be upon him) has accepted as the top two books. another very famous person who translated it into english is zaid ibn thabit.

zaid ibn thabit was a companion of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) and is one of those who can translate hadiths or the collected fatwas of islamic prophet muhammad. he had a great and rich life and was a great scholar.

malaysia has been the existence of the biggest muslim community in the country. that is why most of the malay-speaking mosques are in malaysia. nowadays, the muslims and non-muslims of malaysia are living together in a peaceful manner. muslims are very religious by nature and love to keep their prayers daily. moreover, they also love to attend the ambon, congregational prayers in mosques, and friday sermons. muslims also like to read the holy quran.

prayers at the mosques are started by the juma (friday) and is followed by the namaz or salat and iftar breakfasts during which they are offered food at the mosques. there are prayers at specific times of the day like before zuhr, maghreb, and ‘isha. the fast (sawm) in the month of ramadhan is also observed.

fasts (ramadan) are observed on the ninth day of each month. this fast begins with sunrise and ends with sunset. during this period, muslims refrain from eating, drinking, having sexual relationships, and smoking. the fast is broken with the smelling of a candle or a piece of bread for the believers. during this month, zakat is collected.


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