06-22 06:37 PM
I may be missing out on some important information, though..
I am a Sr. Programmer and I want to get into RC..
Raman K.
Where to find a good business plan template free?
I am going to create a good business plan for my new startup company.
Tried to find some good free templates on the web, but I could not find any that are free and filled in with everything (I need to fill in some blank text in the left column, in each of the two text boxes and the dropdown in the middle column).
I am really stuck and need some help with the templates I found.
Business mathematics by vkkapoor
05-31 10:55 PM
I am going to use gedmatch to check my numbers, i was suppose to get allot of people with same numbers.
My gut feeling is that we are going to get allot of people with same numbers.
hey do you think any one will help me with my application if i want to start a business in india… i have been looking for aditional information on it…
thank you
Business mathematics by vkkapoor
05-31 07:34 PM
Thanks to all of the group.
Yes, you can do it. Unfortunately, its very difficult to work outside your home in the U.S.. and Canada. I would be willing to help you with a visa but I am not so sure.
I feel like i am having a lot of help here but my question was “why is is my application taking so long to process ” is there any rule that i should know about… maybe some thing you can tell me.
I am a self-employed person living and working in Delhi, India. I have moved from USA to India over 1.5 years ago.
Why US immigration officers are not accepting my application to EB-1R (based on my qualifications in the fields of Computer Software and Systems Development)?
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering. I currently work at a Fortune 500 company in the US as a senior software engineer.
Who are the current sponsors of EB-1R?
How long has my application been in process (approximately)?
What does the USC
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What is the difference between a windows data dvd and a laptop media? The answer is, in a word, small. A data DVD is simply a copy of your data on a CD that was burned with the data DVD format. When it comes to a laptop media, a data DVD is the same as an archive DVD. A laptop media contains a program called a tool or a drive that will allow you to back up your data, both on your computer or some storage medium. These are the three main types of laptop media: data DVDs, archive DVDs, and optical discs. I hope this, Win 10 32 bit Driver, always plays DVD movies.Q:
Create a static list of inherited types
I’m going about creating a static list of any inherited type, kind of how Enumerable.ToArray(‘”) does it, but for any type.
It would be something like this:
public static Array AllInheritedTypes(Type type)
//var list = Activator.CreateInstance(type.ToArray()).OfType().ToList();
var list = (IEnumerable)((IEnumerable)Activator.CreateInstance(type));
However, the following throws an exception:
A required assembly is not loaded:
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How do I prove that a number is an integer
How do I prove that an integer has a unique prime factorisation or that a prime number has a unique factorisation?
Suppose $p_n$ and $p_{n+1}$ are prime numbers and we have $p_n \mid p_{n+1}$.
We now have two prime numbers $p_n, p_{n+1}$ with $p_n \mid p_{n+1}$.
Because $p_n$ and $p_{n+1}$ are primes and $p_n \mid p_{n+1}$ we have that
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The $r_i$ must be nonnegative integers and $p_n \mid p_{n+1}$.
Because we know that $p_n$ is prime this means that all $r_i$ must be equal to $1$ or $0$. This gives a unique factorization and a unique prime factorization.
If $p_n$ is a composite number and $p_n \mid p_{n+1}$ then the same argument holds.
If $p_n$ is a prime and $p_{n+1}$ is a composite number with $p_n \mid
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