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Cara Mengubah Coreldraw X6 Trial Menjadi Full Version
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ur.” “Look at me, I’m talking to you.” “The cops have gone away.” “But that doesn’t mean you can beat up a girl.” “You haven’t got the guts.” “Call it off.” “The thing I like most about you is that you’re a coward, like me.” “If you don’t want it, I’ll take her to the station.” “We can talk it over there.” “Come on, darling.” “For you, Mother.” “Now I’m going to make you sorry.” “I’m not going to hurt you.” “It’s that fat man you’ve been making love to.” “It’s him I hate!” “Why don’t you try it with him?” “You think you can take him, you?” “Come on, coward!” ” You won’t get away.” ” Take him away.” “The cops have gone away.” “Come on.” “Come on.” “Don’t cry.” “I’m too young to die.” “I’m too young to die.” “You’re too young to die.” “I hate you, you rascal.” “You poisoned my life, but I
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