DAC for MySQL, otherwise known as Direct Access Components for MySQL is a simple tool that allows you to integrate connections to SQL databases into your developing applications. The utility is compliant with Delphi and C++ programming languages. Moreover, it allows you to create a direct SQL access port in your apps, without the need to install ODBC or BDE drivers, as well as other libraries. DAC for MySQL is easy to install and can be used with any Delphi / C++ builder, as the options are displayed in the Component menu. The tool allows you to implement various functions, such as data conversion, batch execution, query,monitor or update. You can use the dedicated function, TBDE2SQLDAC to convert data from BDE, ZeosDB, dbExpress or ADO Databases into DAC for MySQL objects. Not only does it allow you to convert data, but it can also help in migrating it into the required components. DAC for MySQL allows you to automate the batch file execution, a process that includes several customizable properties, such as SQL statements delimiter or actions triggered by errors. This function can be started by scripting the SQL event. Additional functions that you can implement include the dataset manager: this tool allows you to define the database connectivity properties and methods. Moreover, it stores database connectivity properties for descendant dataset objects. The TMySQLDirectQuery component provides the connectivity its transfer speed and allows you to perform complex queries in a short time. The DAC for MySQL pack includes a detailed documentation and several examples, to help you get the development started. Moreover, it supports BLOB fields and allows you to work even without any MySQL library. You can also map various MySQL datatypes to Borland, CodeGear or Enbarcadero’s TField descendants.

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DAC for MySQL is a tool that allows you to integrate connections to SQL databases into your developing applications. The tool is compliant with Delphi and C++, and allows you to create a direct SQL access port in your apps, without the need to install ODBC or BDE drivers, as well as other libraries. You can use the dedicated function, TBDE2SQLDAC to convert data from BDE, ZeosDB, dbExpress or ADO Databases into DAC for MySQL objects. Not only does it allow you to convert data, but it can also help in migrating it into the required components. DAC for MySQL allows you to automate the batch file execution, a process that includes several customizable properties, such as SQL statements delimiter or actions triggered by errors. This function can be started by scripting the SQL event. Additional functions that you can implement include the dataset manager: this tool allows you to define the database connectivity properties and methods. Moreover, it stores database connectivity properties for descendant dataset objects. The TMySQLDirectQuery component provides the connectivity its transfer speed and allows you to perform complex queries in a short time. The DAC for MySQL pack includes a detailed documentation and several examples, to help you get the development started. Moreover, it supports BLOB fields and allows you to work even without any MySQL library. You can also map various MySQL datatypes to Borland, CodeGear or Enbarcadero’s TField descendants. DAC for MySQL Description: This application was made to help you integrating MySQL databases in your Delphi projects. You can use the direct query function TBDE2SQLDAC to convert data from BDE, ZeosDB, dbExpress or ADO Databases into DAC for MySQL objects. Not only does it allow you to convert data, but it can also help in migrating it into the required components. DAC for MySQL allows you to automate the batch file execution, a process that includes several customizable properties, such as SQL statements delimiter or actions triggered by errors. This function can be started by scripting the SQL event. Additional functions that you can implement include the dataset manager: this tool allows you to define the database connectivity properties and methods. Moreover, it stores database connectivity properties for descendant dataset objects. The TMySQLDirectQuery component provides the connectivity its transfer speed and allows you to perform complex queries in a short
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KEYMACRO allows you to use various functions with your database applications, without the need to install third-party components, such as Borland’s UDAC or MySQL libraries. The utility is a simple tool that includes a macro editor, allowing you to import function definitions into any module. In addition to that, the utility includes a macro table, where you can add your own functions. You can also edit functions that are already in the database, and use them in your applications. You can also manage macros from one place, edit their properties and then use them in other modules. The utility is compliant with Delphi and C++ programming languages. It is available for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2002, 2006, 2007 and 2010 and C++ Builder 5, 6, 7 and 2008. KEYMACRO includes several examples, making the utility flexible and easy to use. You can save your database macros in compiled format, so you can run them from other applications without the need to install any additional components. A single compiled version of the program is provided for each programming language, allowing you to use the same macro at any place in your application. KEYMACRO is fully customizable, allowing you to add or remove options and dialogs. Moreover, you can change its appearance, adding new color schemes. The utility also includes a table editor, allowing you to change the colors of the tables displayed in the GUI. Also, it provides an integrated macro editor, allowing you to edit macros while developing. The utility allows you to connect directly to a MySql database and create objects such as tables, views, queries, triggers or procedures, as well as other similar databases. The tool supports MySQL database connections, allowing you to run queries on the database directly, without installing any third-party components, such as MySQL ODBC drivers. In addition to that, the utility allows you to map various MySQL datatypes to your database types, while allowing you to execute functions from your databases. KEYMACRO includes a detailed documentation that allows you to help yourself, and a sample database. You can also use KEYMACRO as a macro repository manager, including customizable properties. KEYMACRO supports batch files, allowing you to execute predefined SQL scripts. You can also run macros from other applications. You can also use the utility as a function repository manager, allowing you to import functions from any database. The utility also supports ODBC compatible connections, allowing you a86638bb04
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* Supports ODBC-compliant Data Sources * Data Table, Table Manager and Table Column class * Data Set Manager, Row properties, methods and column properties * Mapping of MySQL datatypes to Borland, CodeGear and Enbarcadero’s TField descendant classes * Batch execution of SQL statements * Retrieve data in TDataSet, with automatic row count and row/column retrieval * Simplified and efficient SQL with direct access to SQL Server and MySQL databases * Comprehensive and detailed documentation * Integrated with major IDEs and database development tools, such as: Delphi and C++ Builder SQL Server, MySQL, ODBC, ADO, MS Access and DBExpress You can download the demo version and the full version of the utility by following this link: DAC for SQLite is a tool that allows you to create a connection to a SQLite database and use it in your programs. This utility integrates functions that you can use in Delphi, C++ Builder, VCL, C#, Delphi XE4, PowerBuilder, Free Pascal and other programming languages. DAC for SQLite is compatible with SQLite version 2.x.x and higher. The program is based on the SQLite ODBC driver and works with ODBC, OLE DB, ADO and other data sources that support ODBC. Additionally, the application can help you in migrating data from various databases, such as MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL. You can use the dedicated function TBDE2SQLite to convert data from BDE, ZeosDB, dbExpress, Firebird, BerkeleyDB or ADO Databases into DAC for SQLite objects. This product contains the following features: * Integration with MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases * Integration with MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL ODBC drivers * Database connectivity, query, data conversion, table, column and method properties, plus mapping of data sources to the TField descendant classes * Data retrieval, with different modes, such as row count, number of rows or columns * Batch execution of SQL statements * Retrieve data in TDataSet, with automatic row count and row/column retrieval * Simpler and efficient SQL queries * Batch file execution * Mapping of MySQL datatypes to Borland, CodeGear and En
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Delphi XE2, Delphi XE3, Delphi XE4, Delphi XE5, C++ Builder XE5, C++ Builder XE6, C++ Builder XE7, C++ Builder XE8 “Last Edited by mars10 on 11/12/2015 18:01 AM ” ************************************************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************************************* *
System Requirements For DAC For MySQL:
The game is designed to run on the newest and fastest CPUs, however there are a few extra requirements for older machines: The most recommended CPU is a 2.8GHz Core i7 9th Gen, but a 3.1GHz Core i7 9th Gen is suggested for the best performance. Recommended: NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti, 8GB RAM, 16GB HDD Recommended: AMD RX 570, 8GB RAM, 16GB HDD Not recommended: AMD RX 580, 8GB RAM, 16GB HDD Minimum: 4GB