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Descargar Monica 9 Full Espanol Con Crack

it is quite obvious that pbs loves to rub nazis in our faces, every time we turn around, and i for one am sick to death of it. what is also quite obvious is that bashing nazis has become a regular pastime on pbs and i’m uncertain as to exactly why, unless it’s because there’s so much influence by pro-jewish elements of american society at pbs who are behind this. in the present decade of american progressive ‘democratic identity-socialism’, it appears to be conveniently overlooked that hitler’s execrable transgressions against humanity were and have been far exceeded by a full century of communist barbarity (whose victims number in the hundreds of millions) and those tyrants, according to chomsky, were all ”immoral criminals’ who deserved no decent treatment from the press

absolutely not. barack obama is a disastrous president who never did what he said he would do. frankly, trump and obama have been doing everything they could to destroy this country for the better part of two decades. i believe most americans are way too forgiving of behavior of politicians and of government agencies like the irs, fbi, and doj. if there is any truth in the expression that there’s no honor among thieves, we’ve all witnessed what they’re willing to do to hide their crimes. if i had said i’d been paid thousands of dollars to endorse hillary clinton, i’d be going to jail.

the president of the koch brothers and trump’s best buddy is replacing sanders as chairman of the dnc. the koch brothers are major funders of the republicans and have twisted the purpose of the dnc for years. sanders, and progressives in general, were trying to teach democrats how to regain power by being active and fighting for what’s right. that’s what we need to do. but if you want to be an american, you should recognize the accomplishments of the trump administration on many fronts. obviously, there are areas where the democrats can do better, but should be commended on addressing many important issues without congress. they will be forced to bring them up again, and that’s good. democrats need to fight for what’s right, or we will lose the ability to do so. they need to take over the government, because it’s their country. and if they lose their voice, they will lose their right to a vote. as one of the founding fathers, thomas jefferson, said, “equality of rights is the first of rights.” that is the ideal of this country, and we need to honor it. if we lose our way, we will be a third-world country in the guise of a first-world nation. however, that’s not acceptable to most americans. we can’t keep letting the republicans run this country, and the democrats need to prepare themselves to make a stand and save this nation. respectfully, jean s. french

every time i turn on my tv to watch the news or to listen to the current affairs program my eyes and ears are assaulted by images and sounds of murders, bomb blasts, rockets, and other terrorist attacks committed against the innocent by the islamic fanatics. the latest atrocity was committed in mumbai and the final death toll is up to 114. the “good muslims” who carried out these attacks are so “pious” that their victims can be summarily shot dead in front of their family and relatives. we have witnessed the same type of murderous fanaticism, islamism and muslim-violence in the past as well as in the present day. today’s images bring back the memories of the days when the world witnessed the atrocities committed by the muslim fanatics in the “holy land” in the name of their religion. it reminds us of the killings of the innocents and the destruction in the name of religion by the hooded islamic fanatics in the town of beslan. while doing business, we watched in horror the images of the russian children being killed in beslan in the name of the “holy warrior”. it brought back memories of the armenian children being shot by the turk, in front of the family. now i am outraged yet again by the images of the innocent people being hacked to death in cold blood and the “explaining” of this by the “religious scholars”. please, spare us this incessant bombardment. consider what i am saying sincerely. thank you, with best regards
i am attaching a poster that i have made that shows pictures of native americans from various time periods and the outfits and equipment they have used during battle over the last few centuries. see if you think it is appropriate for the “great big dig” to carry that out and portray native americans as natives who get it right.


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