DigitWiz is a handy little utility that will help you in one of life’s annoying little tasks: converting those name-style alphanumeric telephone numbers into straight numbers for easy dialing.
How many times have you tried to convert marketing style phone numbers like 1 800 GOT MILK or 1 888 CAR REPAIR into numbers you can dial?
Have you noticed how they even stick extra letters in there so that instead of the required 7 digits, you have 8 or more? Like CAR REPAIR, for example, which is nine – two more than needed.
And then after dialing 6 numbers you make a mistake and have to start all over again doing the conversions again in your head, only to give up in disgust and go looking for pencil and paper to decipher in write it out in usable form.
Well we whipped up this handy little freeware utility to do the work for you. Not only will it convert these annoying worded phone numbers into straight numbers, it also includes a handy little area code lookup feature so you can quickly search to see where a particular area code is located in the U.S. or to find out the area code for any city or state (Internet connection required.)

DigitWiz Crack+ Free Download [Win/Mac]
With DigitWiz Cracked Version you can convert name-style telephone numbers like 1 800 GOT MILK or 1 888 CAR REPAIR to the digits that you dial.
The fact that the 1 800 GOT MILK phone number consists of a 1 and an 8 followed by a space and an 800 plus the letter G has been created to mimic the way those phone numbers look on the caller ID display.
DigitWiz will automatically strip out the space to make the phone number look like it does on the caller ID display.
DigitWiz can also convert any number-style telephone number like 1 206 555-1212 into its numeric equivalent.
Plus, DigitWiz can convert any digit-style phone number to its numeric equivalent if you already know the number.
DigitWiz Requirements:
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
Microsoft Access, Excel, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or the Windows Calculator.
.NET Framework 2.0 or later.
DigitWiz – What’s new in this version:
Version 7.7 (released January 2015)
Added support for iOS8 and Android 4.4 (available in Version 7.6)
Added center alignment for phone number fields.
Added keyboard shortcut for phone number fields.
The conversion application is now written in C++11, fully supports 64-bit versions of Windows and the.NET Framework 4.5 or later, and is backwards compatible with previous versions of the application (including Windows XP) and the.NET Framework (previous versions use.NET Framework 2.0 or earlier).
Fixes for building the program in Windows and Visual Studio 2013
Well, I have never used any other apps like this. So I am sure I can not say much about this. But I have tried this “Named to dial” ( on different platforms. It works perfectly. I use it on an iPhone 4s, and I have a Windows 7 desktop as well. So I know all about the iPhone but I can not say much about the Windows version. But that is a small, very good, program. And I think this one does not have too many bugs.
Yes, it does have a bug. You have to press “Do not match” twice for each number. I also know how to fix it for Windows versions (since I have a version for Windows
DigitWiz Crack Keygen is a handy little utility that will help you in one of life’s annoying little tasks: converting those name-style alphanumeric telephone numbers into straight numbers for easy dialing.
How many times have you tried to convert marketing style phone numbers like 1 800 GOT MILK or 1 888 CAR REPAIR into numbers you can dial?
Have you noticed how they even stick extra letters in there so that instead of the required 7 digits, you have 8 or more? Like CAR REPAIR, for example, which is nine – two more than needed.
And then after dialing 6 numbers you make a mistake and have to start all over again doing the conversions again in your head, only to give up in disgust and go looking for pencil and paper to decipher in write it out in usable form.
Well we whipped up this handy little freeware utility to do the work for you. Not only will it convert these annoying worded phone numbers into straight numbers, it also includes a handy little area code lookup feature so you can quickly search to see where a particular area code is located in the U.S. or to find out the area code for any city or state (Internet connection required.)
DigitWiz Key Features:
Convert + Read:
Convert any telephone number from any name style to any number style. For example: 1 800-555-5555 -> 1 800 555 555.
Integrated Area Code:
Convert a city, state, or zip code from one area code to another. Example: New York City – 888-555-5555 -> New York City – 888 555 5555.
Perform Lookup:
Lookup any area code to find out that area’s zip code, or go the other way to find the zip code for a certain area code.
Easy to use:
Just type in any name-style telephone number and press the Convert button to receive a list of conversion results. If you don’t like any one of the results you can easily toggle between them using the drop down list.
Very Fast:
The converted telephone number is displayed with the conversion results right on the screen.
Just click on the area of a local map and the area code is automatically displayed. To zoom in or zoom out, just double click on the part of the map you wish to view.
Just click on the area of a local map and the area code is automatically displayed
DigitWiz, a handy little utility for converting telephone numbers from those annoying name-style “800” style phone numbers into straight numbers for easier dialing.
As you type the actual phone number in, it will convert it into a number that is easier to dial. If you type: 1 800 GOT MILK, it will convert this to 1-800-267-3746. But if you type: 1 800-GET-MILK, it will be converted to 1-800-GET-MILK, which is easier to dial.
And when the input is filled out, it will autofill in the extra digits from the end of the input box. Instead of spelling out the phone number, you get to just keep typing in the numbers you want, and the program will do the conversion for you.
DigitWiz Features:
-Converts phone numbers from annoying words into easy numbers to dial
-Converts numbers into American phone numbers as well as International numbers
-Easy to use graphical user interface
-Autofills extra digits from the end of the input box
-Optional region code lookup
-Optional Internet connection (optional)
-Optional database lookup (optional)
-Optional lookups per digit (optional)
-Optional readable display for extra digits
-Optional display of any calls that were to/from/to/via the dialed digits (optional)
-Optional Narrowing feature for dialing (optional)
-Output as plain text, (for dialing on your phone) or Excel (for Excel-only dialing)
-Displays dates in Text, Date, or an excel/csv
-Optional phone number sanitization (optional)
-Optional phone number validation
-Optional phone number conversion (optional)
-Optional visual phone status dial (optional)
-Optional user defined phone names (optional)
-Optional lookup of the names of familiar people or businesses (optional)
-Optional lookup of the names of the states (optional)
-Optional lookup of the names of the American Provinces (optional)
-Optional lookup of the names of the American Cities (optional)
-Optional lookup of the names of the International Places (optional)
-Optional lookup of the country name (optional)
-Optional lookup of any region codes (optional)
-Optional lookup of any phone area codes (optional)
-Optional lookup of any area codes (optional)
-Optional conversion of
What’s New in the?
Print numbers from a text file or format and convert them into numbers.
DigitWiz includes the following features:
–Can convert phone numbers from one format to another
–Can handle first, second, third, and fourth digit and includes flexibility in determining how to put the digits together.
–Edits can be saved to the clipboard so that they can be pasted into a document and edited.
–Can switch back and forth between regular and phone number format, and change formatting when converting.
–Can automatically ignore punctuation and special characters in the converted file.
–Can include as many digits or phone numbers as you want
–Has a lookup area code feature so you can find out the area code for a number quickly.
–Saves files to your hard drive so that you can quickly and easily convert multiple numbers at one time.
–Prints to the standard Windows Clipboard so that you can paste them into documents.
–Has a toolbar menu with convenient shortcuts and a progress bar to help you monitor conversions.
–Can convert phone numbers from any telephone (ITU standards) to any other telephone number format using a dictionary file.
NOTE: The fact that we use the word “convert” here does not mean that it “converts” the phone numbers.
What you are getting is a set of numbers in one file with the instructions to change one file to another set of numbers in a different format. If the phone numbers are in one format, then they won’t change into another format. Changing a telephone number into a different format is not and cannot be converting the phone numbers.
If you want the phone numbers converted to another format then all you need to do is save the changes that DigitWiz has made. If your phone numbers are already in another format they will not change to another format.
Converting telephone numbers takes a little bit of effort because of the number of special characters and language that can get included in a telephone number. In addition DigitWiz handles these problems by making the formatting flexible.
If you try and use DigitWiz on a name style name, it will work but will include extraneous numbers, dots and other characters that do not convert to phone numbers.
If you use it on a format name phone number, it will change the format to a telephone number but it will include extraneous characters that will cause these number formats to break (that is why it is so important to save your files at the end.)
System Requirements For DigitWiz:
Available from Oculus on August 25th
Pickup in-game with Oculus Touch controllers on August 27th
All versions of Doom in 2021
Get it on Oculus Quest, Rift S, and Rift CV1 in October
Get it on Rift S and Rift CV1 in December
Play with friends on Rift S and Rift CV1 in 2019
“All versions of Doom in 2021” is a confusing phrase. Obviously this means that Doom will get a new update sometime in 2021 to address whatever new issues arise during the next 5-ish