
Dolphin Emulator Apk Pro

Dolphin Emulator APK Pro: How to Play Gamecube and Wii Games on Your Android Device

If you are a fan of Gamecube and Wii games, you might have heard of Dolphin Emulator, a popular software that allows you to play these games on your PC or Mac. But did you know that there is also a version of Dolphin Emulator for Android devices? It’s called Dolphin Emulator APK Pro, and it lets you enjoy your favorite Gamecube and Wii games on your smartphone or tablet. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Dolphin Emulator APK Pro, including what it is, how to download and install it, how to use it, and how to solve some common problems.

What is Dolphin Emulator APK Pro?

Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is an Android app that emulates the Gamecube and Wii consoles, allowing you to play their games on your Android device. It is based on the open-source Dolphin Emulator project, which is one of the most advanced and reliable emulators for these consoles. However, unlike the original Dolphin Emulator, which is free and available on the official website , Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is a paid app that can only be downloaded from third-party sources .

The difference between Dolphin Emulator Pro and Dolphin Emulator

So why would you pay for Dolphin Emulator APK Pro when you can get Dolphin Emulator for free? Well, there are some differences between the two apps that might make Dolphin Emulator APK Pro worth your money. Here are some of them:

  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro has a shiny golden icon, while Dolphin Emulator has a blue icon.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro supports OpenGL ES 3, which is a graphics technology that improves the performance and quality of the emulation. However, not many Android devices support OpenGL ES 3, so this feature might not work for you.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro claims to support more games than Dolphin Emulator, although there is no official list of compatible games for either app.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro supports online multiplayer, while Dolphin Emulator does not.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro supports gamepad controllers, while Dolphin Emulator only supports touch controls.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro supports cheats and hacks, while Dolphin Emulator does not.

Of course, these differences might not be significant for everyone, and some of them might not even work as advertised. Moreover, Dolphin Emulator APK Pro has some disadvantages compared to Dolphin Emulator, such as:

  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is not updated as frequently as Dolphin Emulator, which means it might have more bugs and glitches.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is not endorsed by the official Dolphin Emulator team, which means it might have security risks or malware.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro might violate the GNU GPL v2 license of the original Dolphin Emulator project, which means it might be illegal or unethical to use it.

The features and benefits of Dolphin Emulator Pro

Despite these drawbacks, some people might still prefer to use Dolphin Emulator APK Pro over Dolphin Emulator because of its features and benefits. Here are some of them:

  • Dolphin Emulator
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro allows you to play Gamecube and Wii games on your Android device, which is a great way to relive your childhood memories or try new games that you missed.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro offers high-definition graphics, smooth gameplay, and fast loading times, which make the emulation experience more enjoyable and realistic.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro lets you customize the settings and controls to suit your preferences and device specifications, which gives you more flexibility and convenience.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro enables you to save and load your progress anytime, anywhere, which means you don’t have to worry about losing your data or starting over.
  • Dolphin Emulator APK Pro supports a wide range of ROMs, which means you have access to a large library of games to choose from.

How to download and install Dolphin Emulator APK Pro?

Now that you know what Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is and what it can do, you might be wondering how to get it on your Android device. Well, it’s not as simple as downloading it from the Google Play Store, because it’s not available there. Instead, you have to follow these steps:

The requirements and compatibility of Dolphin Emulator APK Pro

Before you download and install Dolphin Emulator APK Pro, you need to make sure that your Android device meets the following requirements:

  • Your Android device must have at least 2 GB of RAM and 4 GB of free storage space.
  • Your Android device must run on Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher.
  • Your Android device must support OpenGL ES 3 or higher.
  • Your Android device must have a powerful processor and GPU, preferably a Snapdragon 835 or higher.

You also need to check the compatibility of Dolphin Emulator APK Pro with your device model and ROM version. You can do this by visiting the official Dolphin Emulator website and looking for the compatibility list. Alternatively, you can use the Dolphin Emulator app , which is free and available on the Google Play Store, to test the compatibility of your device. If the app works well on your device, then Dolphin Emulator APK Pro should work too.

The steps to download and install Dolphin Emulator APK Pro

Once you have verified that your device meets the requirements and is compatible with Dolphin Emulator APK Pro, you can proceed with the following steps:

  1. Download the Dolphin Emulator APK Pro file from a trusted source . The file size is about 15 MB.
  2. Enable the installation of apps from unknown sources on your device. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  3. Locate the downloaded file on your device using a file manager app. Tap on it to start the installation process.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. It should take a few seconds.
  5. Launch the Dolphin Emulator APK Pro app from your app drawer or home screen. You should see a golden icon with a dolphin logo.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed Dolphin Emulator APK Pro on your Android device. Now you can start playing Gamecube and Wii games on it.

How to use Dolphin Emulator APK Pro?

Now that you have Dolphin Emulator APK Pro on your Android device, you might be wondering how to use it. Well, it’s not very difficult, but there are some things you need to know before you start playing. Here are some tips and tricks on how to use Dolphin Emulator APK Pro:

How to load and play ROMs on Dolphin Emulator APK Pro

The first thing you need to do is to get some ROMs for the games you want to play. ROMs are digital copies of game discs that can be played on emulators. You can find ROMs for Gamecube and Wii games online , but be careful about the legality and safety of downloading them. Make sure you only download ROMs for games that you own or have permission to use.

Once you have some ROMs, you need to transfer them to your Android device using a USB cable or a cloud service. You can store them anywhere on your device, but we recommend creating a folder named “Dolphin” in your internal storage or SD card for easier access.

To load and play a ROM on Dolphin Emulator APK Pro, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Dolphin Emulator APK Pro app and tap on the “+” icon at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you stored your ROMs and select the one you want to play. You can also use the search function to find your ROMs faster.
  3. Wait for the ROM to load and start playing. You can use the touch controls on the screen or connect a gamepad controller to your device.

You can also create shortcuts for your favorite games on your home screen by long-pressing on a ROM and selecting “Create Shortcut”. This way, you can launch them directly without opening the app.

How to configure the settings and controls on Dolphin Emulator APK Pro

One of the advantages of Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is that it allows you to customize the settings and controls to your liking. You can access the settings menu by tapping on the three horizontal bars at the top left corner of the screen. Here are some of the options you can tweak:

  • General: Here you can change the language, theme, and layout of the app. You can also enable or disable features such as auto-update, notifications, and analytics.
  • Graphics: Here you can adjust the video settings of the emulation, such as resolution, aspect ratio, frame rate, anti-aliasing, and shaders. You can also enable or disable features such as v-sync, skip EFB access, and texture cache.
  • Audio: Here you can adjust the audio settings of the emulation, such as volume, output device, backend, and latency. You can also enable or disable features such as DSP HLE emulation, audio stretching, and volume normalization.
  • Controls: Here you can configure the input settings of the emulation, such as controller type, button mapping, sensitivity, and rumble. You can also enable or disable features such as motion controls, touch controls, and gamepad support.
  • Advanced: Here you can access some advanced settings of the emulation, such as CPU core, JIT recompiler, MMU speed hack, and overclocking. You can also enable or disable features such as dual core mode, idle skipping, and cheats.

You can also save and load different profiles for different games by tapping on the floppy disk icon at the top right corner of the screen. This way, you can switch between different settings easily.

How to troubleshoot common issues on Dolphin Emulator APK Pro

While Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is a powerful and reliable app, it is not perfect. You might encounter some issues while using it, such as crashes, freezes, glitches, or errors. Here are some tips on how to troubleshoot common issues on Dolphin Emulator APK Pro:

  • Make sure your device meets the requirements and is compatible with Dolphin Emulator APK Pro. If not, try using Dolphin Emulator instead.
  • Make sure your ROMs are valid and not corrupted. If not, try downloading them from another source or using a different format.
  • Make sure your settings and controls are appropriate for your device and game. If not, try adjusting them or using a different profile.
  • Make sure your app is updated to the latest version. If not, try downloading it from a trusted source or checking for updates within the app.
  • Make sure your device has enough battery, storage space, and RAM. If not, try charging it, deleting some files, or closing some apps.
  • Make sure your device is not overheating or damaged. If so, try cooling it down or repairing it.

If none of these tips work for you, you can also contact the developer of Dolphin Emulator APK Pro or visit their forum for more help.


Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is an amazing app that lets you play Gamecube and Wii games on your Android device. It has many features and benefits that make it worth paying for. However, it also has some drawbacks and risks that you should be aware of. Moreover, it requires a powerful device and compatible ROMs to work properly. If you follow our guide on how to download, install, use, and troubleshoot Dolphin Emulator APK Pro, you should be able to enjoy your favorite games without any problems.

If you have any questions or feedback about Dolphin Emulator APK Pro or this article , please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us through our website . We would love to hear from you and help you with any issues you might have. Thank you for reading and happy gaming!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Dolphin Emulator APK Pro:

  1. Is Dolphin Emulator APK Pro safe to use?
  2. Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is not officially endorsed by the Dolphin Emulator team, so there is no guarantee that it is safe to use. It might contain malware, viruses, or spyware that could harm your device or steal your data. Therefore, you should only download it from trusted sources and scan it with an antivirus app before installing it. You should also be careful about the permissions and access that the app requests from your device.

  3. Is Dolphin Emulator APK Pro legal to use?
  4. Dolphin Emulator APK Pro might violate the GNU GPL v2 license of the original Dolphin Emulator project, which means it might be illegal or unethical to use. The license states that any modifications or derivatives of the project must be released under the same license and made available to the public. However, Dolphin Emulator APK Pro is a paid app that is not open-source and not available on the official website. Therefore, you should only use it if you have the consent of the original developers or if you are sure that it does not infringe on their rights.

  5. How much does Dolphin Emulator APK Pro cost?
  6. Dolphin Emulator APK Pro costs $4.99 on some third-party websites . However, the price might vary depending on the source and the currency. You should also be aware that some websites might offer fake or fraudulent versions of the app that could scam you or harm your device. Therefore, you should only buy it from reputable sources and check the reviews and ratings before purchasing it.

  7. What games can I play on Dolphin Emulator APK Pro?
  8. Dolphin Emulator APK Pro claims to support more games than Dolphin Emulator, but there is no official list of compatible games for either app. You can try searching online for some recommendations or reviews of games that work well on Dolphin Emulator APK Pro. You can also check the compatibility list on the official Dolphin Emulator website , which shows how well different games run on the PC or Mac version of the emulator. However, keep in mind that the compatibility might vary depending on your device model and ROM version.

  9. Where can I get more help or information about Dolphin Emulator APK Pro?
  10. If you need more help or information about Dolphin Emulator APK Pro, you can try contacting the developer of the app or visiting their forum . You can also visit the official Dolphin Emulator website , which has a lot of resources and guides about the emulator. You can also join the Dolphin Emulator community on Reddit , Discord , or YouTube , where you can interact with other users and get tips and advice.


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