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after opening up a document and selecting a font, the document is initially displayed in braille. a click will display a preview window for the entire document to allow for quick review of the content. clicking again will highlight all content that is to be transcribed. as the software searches, a blue transcript window appears, with each braille cell corresponding to a word in the document. the sections of the document are listed in columns, so that those words not being read are not displayed as braille cells. it’s easy to see all the text that is available without having to scroll through a document to find it. the font settings can be adjusted to match the platform.
braille blaster offers plenty of options for the transcriber when it comes to fonts, braille fonts, embosser, and other settings. through a small settings menu in the top left, the manufacturer can set options such as encoding for the patron, manage reserved words, and edit the standard prefixes. for the customer, this means that the patron can choose from a variety of fonts, choose how to break down the standard prefixes and punctuation, and configure the device to read at an acceptable reading speed.
the first option is for creating or importing a font. i select the open option to add a new font to the system, then select a font from a list to choose which font to use for the document. then, i can edit the font by selecting the font and changing the stroke and weight of the font.
when a font is added, an icon is added to the left side of the text on the initial page of the document. upon completion of editing a document, the font is applied. however, there is a problem during editing. i tried to edit a document in the font of one font set, and a different font was automatically assigned and the text was screwed up. it took a few manual steps to get back to the original font, but it was my first experience with this feature.
we are dealing with a product that is going to be marketed to business customers who are going to be creating their own position in the marketplace. its going to be an asset to somebody who may sell multiple assets. it really depends upon each individual circumstance because there are a lot of variables that go into it. your business depends on your passion. your passion to have an involvement in this business depends on your level of conviction that this is the best idea youve ever had in your entire life.
if i dont have passion about it then its not going to work. business is all about people feeling passion. there is no other reason to be in business than because you feel passion about your product or service. without that youre just doing it to feed your family. thats a very sad state of affairs. it doesnt matter if youre in business.
this product has to inspire passion in somebody. we have a big problem if we have a product, a service, that doesnt inspire passion in somebody who isnt passionate about the things that need to be done about this.
the following video demonstrates how to create a pattern for embossing. the video is in a 4:3 aspect ratio and contains cut-aways. it is recommended that the embed code be used to view the video. otherwise, the youtube video may not display correctly, especially with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
george brown college (gbc) joined our community as a partner in nbp’s eureka moment: a nationwide call for new, innovative technologies and applications that can help make teaching accessible for blind or visually impaired students. this call looks to develop products and solutions that can augment current teaching methodologies for students, such as sign language, tactile or voice-over. award winners will receive prizes of $5,000 or more, of which $3,000 or more will be for r&d costs. applications are open until february 27th, 2013.