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Download Trophy Hunter 2003 Full Version 18
the income generated from trophy hunting is managed through a quota system. every year, the tanzania department of wildlife resources management (dwrm) and the tanzania forestry commission (tfc) compile a national trophy hunting program (nthp) based on the number of elephants, lions and other large herbivores in each game reserve [ 40 ]. the nthp allocates quotas of trophies for each government hunting block and also provides for a commercial quota for each hunting block. at the time of this study, the tanzania wildlife research institute (tawiri) is responsible for monitoring of game reserves for lion population abundance [ 41 ]. the department of tourism (dot) and the ministry of natural resources and tourism (mina) fund the lion translocation programme and the anti-poaching programme, respectively [ 42 ]. the lion programme costs approximately us$2.2 million (including salaries, supplies, vehicle maintenance and operational costs) per year. from 2010 to 2014, the lion population declined in four of six reserves from which data were available [ 43 ]. prior to 2010, the lion population declined precipitously in all protected areas [ 40, 44 ], which is of particular concern given that lions are already extirpated from a number of protected areas and the strategy for their recovery is failing [ 42, 45 ]. lion population abundance also declined in three of four reserves where data were available from 2000 to 2010 [ 41 ]. by 2014, the lion population was reduced in three of four reserves from which data were available [ 43 ].
hunting offtakes vary widely across tanzania and even within each protected area. hunting offtake varies from year to year but also varies across years within the same hunting block [ 41 ]. although hunting offtake within each hunting block has been falling over the past two decades, there has been a small recent increase from 2010 to 2014 in lion hunting offtake in the four reserves where data were available [ 43 ]. most recently, in 2014, the lion hunting offtakes from the four reserves in which data were available were 65% higher than in 2013 and 27% higher than in 2010 [ 41 ]. as such, the lion population in these reserves increased from 2,582 in 2010 to 3,157 in 2014 [ 43 ]. the lion population has also increased in other protected areas over this period, with increases of 19% in tarangire national park, 10% in selous game reserve and 29% in ruaha national park [ 41 ]. in 2010, there were 17 lions killed in protected areas, which fell to 14 in 2013. however, the lion hunting offtakes in 2014 were 23, illustrating the high value of one lion trophy in this country.
we obtained the purchasing power parity (ppp) conversion factor for each country from the international monetary fund, and converted all prices to us dollars. all data from gtis were converted to us dollars using the same conversion rate. to investigate the effect of trophy hunting on national economies, we used the economic growth rates and gdp of each country for the same time period. the gdp data were extracted from the world bank data explorer (), which provides a database of country data extracted from the world development indicators (wdi) database, and the country-specific gdp data was provided by the world bank for each country.
in addition to the data from gtis and tawiri, we acquired data from local and international governmental organisations and ngos to help us understand the political dynamics of hunting in tanzania. we used data from the tanzanian ministry of natural resources and tourism, and from the tanzania forest conservation and development project (tfcdp), a project of the united states agency for international development, to understand the political role of trophy hunting.
the sgr lion trophy hunting system was different to most in africa as it was based on competitive allocation of blocks rather than on individual quotas. this is important for tourism, because large numbers of tourists are willing to pay a premium to hunt lions [ 65, 66 ] and so the system should encourage the use of blocks by individuals rather than the government. these blocks were managed using various forms of tenure, but for those with the highest trophy hunting offtake the tenure was often very short. such short-term tenures tended to encourage the use of more trophy hunting days by individual hunters, but tended to result in a decline in trophy offtake over time, as individuals hunt their block over fewer days.