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Dynasty Warriors 6 Nude Modl

awaken’s heroine will be the daughter of one of the greatest warriors in the whole history of wu: cao cao. before she was born, the emperor had decreed that the future empress was to be named after him. the empress was pregnant and living in a palace, far from the palace of her husband, wu’s emperor. her husband was in battle with a rival warlord and she was to be his wife until he returned from battle. the day before the birth of the empress’ child, she went into labour, and her baby was born with a sword in its stomach. this was a sign that it would be a powerful warrior. the baby was named “cao cao.” she was taken to the palace of the emperor, and the emperor’s wife named her “awaken” after herself. they wanted to prove that she was the child of the emperor, and not a child of the rival warlord. she was given the name “awaken” to signify that she should be the heir to the throne.

in the end, jezebel and ahab were both responsible for their own deaths. she did in fact follow a religion that was completely foreign to her, and that also probably would have worked in phoenicia, but not in israel. he was too weak to stand up to her, and that eventually led to his dynasty’s destruction. it was pretty obvious that jezebel was going to use ahab, but the bible does make it clear that this was ahabs own choice to join her. in the end, both of them were to blame for their own death, and their fall from power.

she was very stubborn and was not willing to give up her phoenician religion. she did have a very powerful husband, but she obviously did not think that he was strong enough to stand up to her. instead, she married him and pushed him to the limit. because of that, her entire dynasty was destroyed.

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