Examenes Ccna 2 Resueltos
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abstract: ‘In this paper, we present the architecture of a query processor for a real-time system. This system is a tactile user interface that is part of a robotic system, where an interactive human and a robotic hand in co-operation with an output pneumatic hand. By processing hand gestures, the user can control the robotic hand and use the robot arm to perform work. The whole system is based on the recognition of touch signals through sensor fusion between the human finger and the robotic hand. The touch signals are used to extract data from sensors such as strain gages, capacitive sensors and resistive sensors. The system is developed by modifying an existing Tactile Sensing Framework (TSF) in order to adapt it for the purpose of a robotic system, where aspects such as energy efficiency and real-time processing are of importance. The architecture features a database engine and a graph database which store data which will be used for: (i) Gesture recognition (ii) Event prediction and (iii) User interaction through haptics and output actuators. Furthermore, the system is tested at a rate of 5Hz in real-time and it was found to have a reaction time below 50ms. The architecture and implementation of the system is discussed, and the system is tested on a robotic arm.’
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Leatrice L. Atique, Roy A. H. Mohamed and Lorenzo Mitrani\
`{leatrice, royah, lorenzo.mitrani}@inria.fr`\
– ‘ad1.bib’
title: ‘In this paper, we present the architecture of a query processor for a real-time system’
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