Far Cry 4 Pc Patch Download |TOP|

Far Cry 4 Pc Patch Download
The game will also release a separate update that will bring with it many of the same enhancements as the PC patch, but the Far Cry Addon Mod will be able to add any features they desire for free at any time.
The reason we are doing this, instead of the Far Cry Addon Mod, is because while this would be great for the PC, there is no equivalent for the PS3 version. Unlike this PC patch, however, the PS3 patch may come without all of these features, so its a real bear to test it all out if we dont have a working base to compare the patch with. Although there may be some issues with the community patch for the PS3 that are incompatible with this version, the community patch does come with a lot of features that players would like to have at their disposal. So if we had a PS3 version, we could do a proper comparison of the features that are in the patch.
Installation: If you have a PS3, follow the directions on installing mods here. For PC, simply unzip and run. If you have a 64bit PS3, you can run the mod manually with the addon. For convenience, you can download and run the mod to run the patch right from the PS3, and have it apply as soon as you play Far Cry 4.
To install and play: Go to the PS3 and run the mod. Once you have logged in, go to your game and play! You can always go back into the PS3 to access the pc version via XMB. Also, when you get into game, you can tick the patch box if you want to apply patches upon startup. You can also alt-tab into the menu and go to Settings and check Preview and the New Game tab. From here, you can go to the options menu and go to Display and add the values you want to default to your game. Not all that is included is configurable, so some settings will not be editable from here. For instance, you will not be able to edit your input mapping here, and some gamepad features are also locked due to the way they work, so in some cases, you may not be able to map your thumbsticks. Players should note that the controls are not final.
ssao+ is capable of producing even more beautifully-rendered shadows than ssbc+, and it looks like that’s what you’re seeing here. i like the way this patch casts a good-looking shadow on the crate here, and a lack of shadow on the statue in the background. in contrast, ssbc+ doesn’t look capable of producing any shadow at all, and the statue is completely enveloped in a thick cloud of shadow.
i’m going to say something nice about the pre-patch version of far cry 4 now. i love the rain effects – they look great, with all the depth you’d expect from such an effect. the raindrops look like they’re hitting the ground, and the raindrops that fly into the air look appropriately wet and heavy. the only problem is that they appear to be hitting the ground with a lack of reflection, almost like a giant plume of water is being shot into the air, rather than raindrops.
both ssbc+ and psao+ are capable of more detailed shadow effects than what is possible on this patch – look at the tree in the background here, for example. ssbc+’s version looks pretty good, with a good quality shadow and accurate reflection. psao+ is capable of creating very similar results. the psao patch looks like it’s capable of producing more detailed shadows, but they still look a bit rough. there’s a lot of detail and texture missing in the patches, and the reflections are pretty low-res – they’d look better with better details.
the pre-patch version of far cry 4 uses a different lighting model, so it has different shadows than the version of the game you’d see on the official servers or on steam. this is apparent in the patch notes, where the lighting model has been renamed to ‘far cry 3’ and other things have been changed. in order to get the most accurate and beautiful shadows, you’d have to play the game using the patch. however, some noticeable differences are visible here, such as the shadows being cast at a different angle.