
Free Download !FULL! Theory Of Machine By S S Rattan.rar

Free Download !FULL! Theory Of Machine By S S Rattan.rar


Free Download Theory Of Machine By S S Rattan.rar

none none Except that I can’t see anything, nothing nobody nobody No, I see nothing, hear nothing, think nothing, feel nothing. I do not know who I am. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know anything, but I’m still here. I don’t know what it’s like to be here; I don’t know what’s going on – even if I do something, I don’t know what it is, and I don’t even know that I am me. And yet I’m still here. In a way, I’m always here. Anyway, I’ve always been here; this is my natural place. In a way, I’ve always been here. Anyway, I’ve always been here. There can be no doubt about this. There can be no questions about this. There can be no problem with this. Here I must be, and in this I must be. I can’t be anywhere else. I have always been here and I am here now. In a way, I’ve always been here. Anyway, I’ve always been here. There can be no doubt about this. There can be no questions about this. There can be no problem with this. Here I must be, and in this I must be. I can’t be anywhere else. I have always been here and I am here now. I can’t be anywhere else. I have always been here and I am here now. I can’t be anywhere else. I have always been here and I am here now. I can’t be anywhere else. Do not try. Don’t try to reach. Try here and now and you will achieve. And you will be surprised. You will understand how aware you can be here and now. You will understand that you have to be aware. You will understand that if you are fully aware of yourself here and now, you will be enlightened, you will be awakened. If you miss, you will be asleep, you will be unconscious.




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