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M3 Jailbreak recovery file for iOS 8.3 (8.3.0 to 8.3.1) jailbreak version is. contact me if you need help:. GeekSn0w 2.9.1 is a freeware tools for iOS 8.3 jailbreak. You. free download geeksnow 2.9 29.Downloads (4034);. files, games & apps Free Download. iSn0w,.Damo Suzuki. Photo: Dan Pelle/Getty Images
Apple, Twitter, and Google have all removed or suspended Australian account owner Damo Suzuki’s YouTube channel in the wake of his call to arms against the state-run app he says is spreading coronavirus to NSW residents.
Suzuki, a self-described “idiot” and “NWA fan,” is a prominent advocate of the fringe but increasingly popular theory that the coronavirus is merely a mix of hoaxes and anti-Chinese conspiracies. He believes the virus, as of late last week, was probably discovered in a laboratory in Wuhan, and that the Chinese government had a hand in creating it. It’s become one of the primary means in which a fringe science worldview is forced upon the online masses during a crisis. Though the mass appeal of these theories isn’t clear, and has caused much confusion and panic, some people are listening.
Suzuki has amassed a sizable following, with over 300,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel. In the wake of his warnings about the possible spread of the virus in Australia, his channel has seen a sudden and drastic decline in subscriber numbers. According to his Facebook page, his subscriber numbers have decreased by over 50,000 in the past 24 hours, and over 400,000 over the past two days. Some of his subscribers appear to have left his channel, while others have had their videos pulled from YouTube altogether. His videos have also been removed from the social network’s search results.
“Haha, thanks again Google for shutting down my account just a day after I announced to everyone that #Coronavirus is a hoax,” Suzuki wrote to his Facebook followers.
It appears that someone at YouTube or Google has indeed suspended Suzuki’s account, based on this screenshot that he shared of the supposed suspension.
According to Hiroo Uyeda, creator and editor of the Kyodo News blog, which tracks
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