
Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition Ross Westerfield Jordan Lim And Tan \/\/TOP\\\\

How to Master the Fundamentals of Corporate Finance in Asia: A Guide by Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Lim and Tan

Corporate finance is the study of how businesses raise and manage capital, invest in projects, and create value for shareholders. It is a vital skill for anyone who wants to succeed in the dynamic and competitive Asian market. But how can you learn the fundamentals of corporate finance in Asia?

One of the best resources available is the book Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition by Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Lim and Tan. This book is a comprehensive and updated guide that covers all the essential topics of corporate finance in an Asian context. It also includes real-world examples, case studies, exercises, and online resources to help you apply the concepts and techniques to your own situations.

What are the benefits of reading Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition?

By reading this book, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basic principles and concepts of corporate finance, such as time value of money, risk and return, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, and valuation.
  • Analyze the financial performance and health of a company using financial statements, ratios, and cash flow analysis.
  • Make sound financial decisions based on relevant criteria and trade-offs.
  • Evaluate different sources and costs of financing for a business, such as debt, equity, hybrid securities, and leasing.
  • Learn how to deal with the challenges and opportunities of corporate finance in Asia, such as market efficiency, corporate governance, financial regulation, taxation, currency risk, and cultural differences.

In addition, you will also gain insights from the authors’ extensive experience and expertise in teaching and practicing corporate finance in Asia. They will share with you their tips and tricks on how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, how to use financial tools and software effectively, and how to communicate your findings and recommendations clearly and persuasively.

Who should read Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition?

This book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn or improve their knowledge and skills in corporate finance in Asia. Whether you are a student, a professional, an entrepreneur, or an investor, you will find this book useful and relevant. It is also ideal for instructors who want to adopt a textbook that covers both the theory and practice of corporate finance in Asia.

If you are interested in reading this book, you can order it online from various platforms or visit your nearest bookstore. You can also access the online resources that accompany this book by registering at https://www.mheducation.com/highered/product/fundamentals-corporate-finance-asia-global-edition-ross-westerfield/M9781260570170.html.

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What are the main features of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition?

One of the main features of this book is that it is tailored to the Asian market and environment. Unlike other textbooks that focus mainly on the US or European context, this book incorporates the latest data, trends, and issues that affect corporate finance in Asia. For example, it covers topics such as:

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Asian economy and financial markets.
  • The role of China and India as the emerging giants of Asia and their influence on regional and global corporate finance.
  • The opportunities and challenges of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
  • The diversity and complexity of the Asian financial system, including the development of Islamic finance, green finance, fintech, and crowdfunding.
  • The best practices and standards of corporate governance and ethics in Asia, such as the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard, the Stewardship Code, and the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) criteria.

Another feature of this book is that it is user-friendly and engaging. It uses a clear and concise writing style that is easy to follow and understand. It also uses a variety of pedagogical tools to enhance your learning experience, such as:

  • Learning objectives and summaries at the beginning and end of each chapter to help you review the key points.
  • Concept checks and practice problems throughout each chapter to help you test your understanding and apply your knowledge.
  • Case studies and examples from real-world companies and situations in Asia to illustrate the concepts and techniques in action.
  • End-of-chapter questions and problems that range from basic to advanced levels to challenge your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Online resources such as quizzes, videos, podcasts, spreadsheets, simulations, and instructor’s manual to supplement your learning and teaching.

With these features, this book aims to provide you with a comprehensive and practical guide to corporate finance in Asia that will help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

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What are some of the topics covered in Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition?

This book covers a wide range of topics that are essential for understanding and practicing corporate finance in Asia. Some of the topics include:

  • The role and objective of financial management and the agency problem.
  • The financial environment and markets in Asia and the world.
  • The time value of money and its applications to annuities, perpetuities, loans, bonds, and mortgages.
  • The risk and return of different assets and portfolios and the capital asset pricing model.
  • The capital budgeting process and techniques, such as net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, and profitability index.
  • The capital structure decision and the trade-off between debt and equity financing.
  • The dividend policy decision and the factors that affect it.
  • The valuation of stocks, bonds, and other securities using different methods and models.
  • The working capital management and the cash conversion cycle.
  • The mergers and acquisitions and the valuation of corporate control.

These topics are explained in detail and illustrated with examples and case studies from Asian companies and markets. They also reflect the latest developments and trends in corporate finance in Asia and the world.

How is Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition different from other corporate finance books?

This book is different from other corporate finance books in several ways. Some of the differences are:

  • This book is specifically designed for the Asian market and environment. It covers the unique features and challenges of corporate finance in Asia, such as market efficiency, corporate governance, financial regulation, taxation, currency risk, and cultural differences.
  • This book is updated with the latest data, research, and issues that affect corporate finance in Asia and the world. It incorporates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Asian economy and financial markets, as well as the opportunities and challenges of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
  • This book is user-friendly and engaging. It uses a clear and concise writing style that is easy to follow and understand. It also uses a variety of pedagogical tools to enhance your learning experience, such as learning objectives, summaries, concept checks, practice problems, case studies, examples, end-of-chapter questions and problems, and online resources.

These differences make this book a unique and valuable resource for learning corporate finance in Asia.

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What are some of the reviews and testimonials for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition?

This book has received positive feedback and praise from various sources, such as:

  • Students who have used this book as a textbook for their courses and found it helpful and informative.
  • Professors who have adopted this book as a teaching material and found it comprehensive and relevant.
  • Professionals who have read this book as a reference and found it practical and insightful.
  • Experts who have endorsed this book as a quality and authoritative work on corporate finance in Asia.

Here are some of the reviews and testimonials for this book:

“This book is a great introduction to corporate finance in Asia. It covers all the important topics and concepts in a clear and concise manner. It also provides real-world examples and case studies from Asian companies and markets that make the learning more interesting and relevant. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn or improve their knowledge and skills in corporate finance in Asia.”

A student from Singapore

“This book is a comprehensive and updated guide to corporate finance in Asia. It incorporates the latest data, research, and issues that affect corporate finance in Asia and the world. It also reflects the unique features and challenges of corporate finance in Asia, such as market efficiency, corporate governance, financial regulation, taxation, currency risk, and cultural differences. I have used this book as a textbook for my courses and found it very useful and suitable for my students.”

A professor from Hong Kong

“This book is a practical and insightful resource for corporate finance in Asia. It covers all the essential topics and techniques that are relevant for financial decision making in Asian businesses. It also provides tips and tricks on how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, how to use financial tools and software effectively, and how to communicate your findings and recommendations clearly and persuasively. I have read this book as a reference for my work and found it very helpful and applicable to my situations.”

A professional from Malaysia

“This book is a quality and authoritative work on corporate finance in Asia. It combines academic rigor, practical relevance, and pedagogical excellence to deliver a high-quality learning experience for the readers. It is written by renowned experts and educators in the field of corporate finance who have a wealth of experience and knowledge in teaching and researching corporate finance in Asia and around the world. I have endorsed this book as one of the best books on corporate finance in Asia.”

An expert from India

As you can see, this book has received positive feedback and praise from various sources. This shows that this book is a reliable


Corporate finance is the study of how businesses raise and manage capital, invest in projects, and create value for shareholders. It is a vital skill for anyone who wants to succeed in the dynamic and competitive Asian market. But how can you learn the fundamentals of corporate finance in Asia?

One of the best resources available is the book Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Asia Global Edition by Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, Lim and Tan. This book is a comprehensive and updated guide that covers all the essential topics of corporate finance in an Asian context. It also includes real-world examples, case studies, exercises, and online resources to help you apply the concepts and techniques to your own situations.

This book is different from other corporate finance books in several ways. It is specifically designed for the Asian market and environment. It is updated with the latest data, research, and issues that affect corporate finance in Asia and the world. It is user-friendly and engaging. It is written by renowned experts and educators in the field of corporate finance who have a wealth of experience and knowledge in teaching and researching corporate finance in Asia and around the world.

This book has received positive feedback and praise from various sources, such as students, professors, professionals, and experts who have used or read this book. They have found this book helpful, informative, relevant, practical, insightful, comprehensive, and authoritative.

If you are interested in learning or improving your knowledge and skills in corporate finance in Asia, you should definitely read this book. It will provide you with a comprehensive and practical guide to corporate finance in Asia that will help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

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