
HD Online Player (the Human Centipede 1 Full Movie Dow) UPD

HD Online Player (the Human Centipede 1 Full Movie Dow) UPD


HD Online Player (the Human Centipede 1 Full Movie Dow)

from the costumes and sets to the incredible cinematography and the really cool, awesome sound design, to the choreography and editing that makes the human centipede such an amazing example of filmmaking, and even the makeup and special effects that make up the “noses” and the “mouths” that the films are based on, the human centipede movies are so good it’s difficult to come up with a real example of their cinematic level. the worst you can say is that they are over the top, and in a good way. it’s easy to make fun of the human centipede movies, but you’d be giving them short shrift if you did. they are fucking amazing.

after the female lead of the first film, ashlynn yennie, had a baby with her husband, tom six made his follow-up film: the human centipede 2 (full sequence). yennie doesn’t appear in this movie, but she’s probably still the most famous face associated with the movie. this is a sequel to the human centipede (full sequence), and with this movie tom six has now made three films in which he and his friend and collaborator, laurence r. harvey, have attached people’s mouths to each others’ butts. in this sequel, tom six takes the centipede concept one step further by literally making a whole human being out of the plastic surgeon, ashlynn yennie, and her husband. if you are not squeamish, please do not watch this movie. but it may not be that bad, even if you are squeamish.

tom six was an admirer of wes craven’s new nightmare. and he wanted to make a movie that would surpass craven’s masterpiece. so he decided to make the sequel, the human centipede 2 (full sequence). this movie is a very crude movie made by a very crude director. it shows how crude the director is and how crude the actors are. this movie should be prohibited because it is horrible and disgusting.

the film begins with the guttural scream of an innocent girl. as she is about to be raped by a mad doctor, her husband, who can’t stand the sight of blood, kicks the doctor in the head. the doctor goes mad, begins to scream and beats his victims. the husband and the wife escape. the doctor pursues them through the woods. he catches up with the husband and grabs him by the neck. the husband’s eyes go up and he dies. he continues to pursue the wife. she runs towards an open field and her husband’s dead body. the doctor catches up with her and stabs her and drags the dead body away. the movie ends with the doctor’s face, empty of humanity. the wife’s dead husband is lying next to the dead girl.
tom six is also a music lover. he has a home cinema. that is one reason why he decided to make this movie. and the second reason is that he wanted to make a movie that was really more than a movie. he wanted to make a work of art. the results are horrifying! i read the book, the human centipede. i read the script. i read the script a second time. i thought about it for a long time. i looked at the pictures. i made the movie. and i was so happy with the result. the movie was great!
tom six makes another movie, this time with his girlfriend ashlynn yennie. he put her head on his girlfriend’s butt. and he cut off her head. and he put her mouth on his girlfriend’s butt. this movie is called the human centipede 2 (full sequence).
the problem with the human centipede is that it is a movie that is interested in pushing boundaries. it is a movie that explores the most base and vile of human nature in ways that will make you empathize, and then make you need a shower. but it’s a film that is as challenging as it is disturbing. and it is, unfortunately, a rare thing in cinema. tetsuo: the iron man is about people who are part machine, but it is a film that is so obsessed with the notion of man plus metal that it might as well be a cyborg movie. it is a film that is interested in pushing hard on your brain’s synapses, and that it might be the most forceful spiritual descendant of akira isn’t something to sneeze at.


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