StrictlyCracked will help you out in finding cracked software. You can search for your favorite software or you can use the software/games categories on the left to find the software which is interesting to you. You can download cracked software for free and in the same process, you can crack your software. You can even crack your own software by following instructions given in the comments section of the software.
Frostwire is another website which offers you cracked software for free. You just need to register in the website and then you can enjoy any cracked software. There are a lot of cracked software available in the website and you can search the software in the search box. It also offers the instructions of how to crack your software which is pretty cool.
SafeComputing is another website which provides you cracked software for free. It is the only site in which I found cracked software for Windows. You need not create an account on this website and you can download cracked software for free. It has more than 300 softwares and you can search by their name or category.
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