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It’s been safe for most of us to assume that going to college means you’ll soon be face-to-face with the opposite sex, and with that comes a veritable smorgasbord of choices from bars and clubs to “off-campus” parties.

Did we miss your favorite sex position? Now’s your chance to write about it.
If you’re trying to figure out if there’s a casual sex app for you or if casual sex is right for you, don’t stress. They’re all over, but some have much better reputations than others.
Sex. Happy. Why. Feel. Lonely. Nobody. Write. To. You. It’s. Social. Nobody. Loves. Anyone. But. That. Is. Why. We’re. Social. But. We’re. Not.
A casual hookup is simply sex, period. (As opposed to a relationship, where there is commitment.) That being said, do you think casual sex is bad for you?
If you like playing that kind of game where you’re left wondering exactly how, where and why you ended up with someone you met on a website, the Casual Matchmaker is here to help you out.
No, casual sex isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But just because it isn’t, that doesn’t mean it’s something to be proud of. A better phrase might be “casual sex isn’t always bad.” Here’s where you can find it, if you’re really interested.
Everyone has been asked “Did you have casual sex before you were married?” More often than not, that question leads to people feeling like they’re the worst piece of crap in the world. Which, to be clear, is a nonsensical, irrational notion. However, there are two places where an “everyone else is doing it” sentiment can become a legitimate pain point. The first is that the question above demonstrates that everyone else is doing it. Which, one would think, would work to invalidate one’s own plight to some extent. But casual sex has become more and more accepted and mainstream, and the larger the world becomes, the more friends one tends to have and the larger your social sphere. Under these conditions, the opinions of a few people are less of a concern than the opinions of all, and can, in fact, be a total non-event. “Who cares what other people think?” says “who cares.”
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“As long as [casual sex] is used in the context of a satisfying, committed relationship, I don’t see the problem with it.” — Jessica Jackley, sexologist
How to have a casual sex date that doesn’t leave you feeling disillusioned The basics of casual sex The most oft-cited risk of casual sex is STIs, specifically HIV.
“It makes it more of an opportunity to meet new people,” Bishop said. “It’s like going to a party.” But remember, in the real world you don’t meet your ideal social dynamic over brunch, you’re only hanging out because you want to date.
Introducing casual sex with flair Casual sex is usually okay, as long as you know that you’re in the mood and aren’t doing it because you want to act on “boyfriend material.”
Colleges actually have a lot of people hooking up in one place, per a 2014 study by the Center for Sex and Sexuality Research at San Diego State University.
“It’s possible to do the weekend casual hookup, and not feel that what you’re doing is casual at all,” Becky, a 32-year-old mom, told LiveScience. But even Becky’s time was limited, she noted. “It was Tuesday and I worked all week.” “A lot of people say that they like the idea of casual sex, but that their relationships wouldn’t permit it,” explained Leah. “In some cases, people say that they use casual sex to cover up their desire for committed relationships.”
How about kids? That’s more gray. In the U.S., 30% of high school seniors have had premarital sex, according to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Most experts think kids aren’t affected by it, but she says if they knew about it, teens could use it as a test of a partner’s loyalty.
Here’s how millennial women can have casual sex
But given the preconception that casual sex is all about hot, quick sex? If a woman acts upon attraction and sex is the natural and obvious next step for a relationship, then she’s not “hooking up.” In fact, the casual sex world generally falls on the “opposite-sex


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