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Feel free to try the demo version, but be aware that it is in only a test version, so it is very simple and does not have all features.
MP3 Player – Free download.
PulseAudio is a sound server that can be used to share audio devices and play audio on a network as well as play audio on local machines.
In this demo, you will learn how to use Network Audio System (NAS) and PulseAudio to setup a network-shared music.
INSTALLATION OF FISHNET FOR PC – Sony Vaio laptop � Windows 7 32-bit (Franche fixed) This file is a no-GUI program which is designed to automatically upload
for a home network. It also has the ability to set up a shared password protected directory.
The program is most efficient when using a Gigabit Ethernet connection. Also, it can handle the file-transfer
speed of up to 150 MB/s.
Unzip this file and run the install program.
If you do not want to use the free Network Audio System (NAS), you can download a different program called
Network Audio System (NAS) at the following website:
Download the NAS application to your Windows system, and run the application. You must log-in to your
same account which you used to register with the Factory Line.
Once logged in, you can browse through the tutorials on the Factory Line.
Files you uploaded to the shared folder will be listed in a list box on the main
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