
Jang E Badar Ka Waqia Urdu Pdf 22 !!EXCLUSIVE!!

Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22: A Complete Guide to the Battle of Badr

The Battle of Badr, also known as Jang e Badar in Urdu, was one of the most important and decisive battles in the history of Islam. It took place on 17 Ramadan, 2 Hijri (13 March, 624 AD) near a well called Badr, about 80 miles southwest of Madinah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers faced a powerful army of the Quraish tribe of Mecca, who wanted to crush the new faith and its followers.

In this article, we will explore the background, events, and outcomes of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia in Urdu PDF 22, a book that narrates the details of this epic battle in Urdu language. We will also learn about the lessons and morals that we can derive from this historic event.

Background of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions had migrated from Mecca to Madinah in 622 AD, after facing years of persecution and oppression from the Quraish. The Quraish were not happy with this migration and continued to harass and threaten the Muslims. They also plotted to assassinate the Prophet (peace be upon him) and waged war against him and his followers.

The Muslims were in a weak and vulnerable position in Madinah. They had few resources and allies, and they faced constant attacks from the Quraish and their allies. The Prophet (peace be upon him) received revelation from Allah to defend themselves and fight back against the aggressors. He also received information that a caravan of the Quraish, led by Abu Sufyan, was returning from Syria with a lot of wealth and goods. The Prophet (peace be upon him) decided to intercept the caravan as a way of weakening the Quraish economically and politically.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) gathered 313 men, mostly from the Ansar (the helpers of Madinah) and some from the Muhajirun (the emigrants from Mecca). They had only two horses and 70 camels among them. They set out towards Badr, where they expected to meet the caravan. However, Abu Sufyan got wind of their plan and changed his route. He also sent a message to Mecca, asking for reinforcements. The Quraish responded by sending a large army of about 1000 men, well-equipped with weapons, horses, and camels. They were led by Abu Jahl, one of the most arrogant and hostile enemies of Islam.

Events of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia

The Prophet (peace be upon him) reached Badr on 15 Ramadan, 2 Hijri. He consulted his companions about whether to proceed with the attack on the caravan or face the Quraish army. The majority of them agreed to follow his decision, whatever it may be. The Prophet (peace be upon him) decided to confront the Quraish army, trusting in Allah’s help and guidance.

The Quraish army reached Badr on 17 Ramadan, 2 Hijri. They were confident of their victory and mocked the Muslims for their small number and poor equipment. They also boasted about their idols and ancestors. The Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed to Allah fervently, asking for His support and assistance. He also arranged his army in a strategic position, near a water source and with a hill behind them.

The battle began with a duel between three champions from each side. The Muslims were Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib, Ali ibn Abi Talib, and Ubaidah ibn al-Harith. The Quraish were Utbah ibn Rabi’ah, Shaybah ibn Rabi’ah, and Walid ibn Utbah. The Muslims killed their opponents swiftly, except for Ubaidah who was wounded by Shaybah before Ali finished him off.

Then the general fighting started. The Muslims fought bravely and fiercely, inspired by their faith and devotion to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). They were also aided by angels sent by Allah to assist them. The Quraish were shocked and terrified by the resistance they faced from the Muslims. They started to retreat and flee from the battlefield.

The Muslims pursued them and captured many prisoners of war. Some of the prominent leaders of the Quraish were killed in the battle, such as Abu Jahl, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, Uqbah ibn Abi Mu’ayt, Nadhr ibn al-Harith, and others. The Muslims suffered only 14 martyrs in the battle.

Outcomes of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia

The Battle of Badr was a great victory for the Muslims and a severe defeat for the Quraish. It had many positive outcomes and impacts for the Muslims, such as:

  • It boosted the morale and confidence of the Muslims and increased their faith in Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him).
  • It established the reputation and prestige of the Muslims among the Arabs and other nations.
  • It weakened the power and influence of the Quraish and their allies.
  • It opened the way for more conversions to Islam and more alliances with other tribes.
  • It fulfilled the prophecy of the Quran that Allah would grant victory to His Messenger (peace be upon him) and his followers.

The Battle of Badr also had many lessons and morals for the Muslims, such as:

  • It showed the importance of trusting in Allah and relying on Him in all situations.
  • It demonstrated the value of obedience and consultation with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his guidance.
  • It highlighted the role of sincerity and sacrifice in the cause of Allah.
  • It taught the principles of justice and mercy in dealing with the enemies and prisoners of war.
  • It illustrated the power of prayer and supplication to Allah.


Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 is a book that narrates the details of the Battle of Badr, one of the most significant and decisive battles in the history of Islam. The book tells us about the background, events, and outcomes of this epic battle, as well as the lessons and morals that we can learn from it. The book is a valuable source of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to know more about the early history of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions. The book is available in Urdu language and can be downloaded from this link: Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22.

Chapter 1: The Migration to Madinah

The first chapter of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 gives us an overview of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions from Mecca to Madinah. The chapter explains the reasons and circumstances that led to this migration, such as the increasing hostility and persecution of the Quraish, the invitation and support of the Ansar, and the revelation and command of Allah. The chapter also describes the challenges and difficulties that the Muslims faced during their journey, such as the plots and attacks of the Quraish, the hardships of travel, and the separation from their families and homes. The chapter also highlights the miracles and blessings that Allah bestowed upon the Muslims during their migration, such as the protection of the cave, the guidance of the spider and the pigeon, and the arrival in Madinah.

Chapter 2: The Preparation for Badr

The second chapter of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 tells us about the preparation for the Battle of Badr. The chapter informs us about the intelligence and information that the Prophet (peace be upon him) received about the caravan of Abu Sufyan and the army of Abu Jahl. The chapter also details the consultation and decision that the Prophet (peace be upon him) made with his companions about whether to attack the caravan or face the army. The chapter also mentions the number and equipment of the Muslims and the Quraish, as well as their respective strategies and positions. The chapter also reveals the dreams and visions that some of the Muslims had before the battle, such as Ibn Umm Maktum seeing a white palace in heaven, Sa’d ibn Mu’adh seeing a green garden in paradise, and Abdullah ibn Rawaha seeing himself among martyrs.

Chapter 3: The Battle of Badr

The third chapter of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 narrates the events of the Battle of Badr. The chapter recounts the start of the battle with the duel between the champions from each side. The chapter also reports the general fighting that followed, and how the Muslims fought bravely and fiercely against the Quraish. The chapter also depicts the role and intervention of the angels in the battle, and how they helped and supported the Muslims. The chapter also lists the names and numbers of the martyrs, the prisoners, and the casualties from both sides. The chapter also quotes some of the verses of the Quran that were revealed about the battle, such as Surah Al-Anfal and Surah Ali Imran.

Chapter 4: The Aftermath of Badr

The fourth chapter of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 describes the aftermath of the Battle of Badr. The chapter tells us about the treatment and ransom of the prisoners of war, and how the Prophet (peace be upon him) showed mercy and justice to them. The chapter also relates the reaction and response of the Quraish and their allies to their defeat, and how they plotted to take revenge and wage another war against the Muslims. The chapter also mentions the rewards and honors that Allah granted to the Muslims for their victory, such as forgiveness, paradise, spoils, and dignity. The chapter also summarizes the outcomes and impacts of the battle for the Muslims and Islam, such as boosting their morale, establishing their reputation, weakening their enemies, opening new opportunities, and fulfilling Allah’s promise.

Chapter 5: The Lessons and Morals of Badr

The fifth chapter of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 discusses the lessons and morals that we can learn from the Battle of Badr. The chapter explains the importance of trusting in Allah and relying on Him in all situations, and how He is the best protector and helper. The chapter also demonstrates the value of obedience and consultation with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his guidance, and how he is the best leader and example. The chapter also highlights the role of sincerity and sacrifice in the cause of Allah, and how He rewards those who strive in His way. The chapter also teaches the principles of justice and mercy in dealing with the enemies and prisoners of war, and how Islam is a religion of peace and compassion. The chapter also illustrates the power of prayer and supplication to Allah, and how He responds to those who call upon Him.

Chapter 6: The Conclusion

The sixth chapter of Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 concludes the book by summarizing the main points and themes of the book. The chapter reviews the background, events, and outcomes of the Battle of Badr, as well as the lessons and morals that we can derive from it. The chapter also emphasizes the significance and relevance of the Battle of Badr for the Muslims today, and how we can apply its teachings and inspirations to our lives. The chapter also invites the readers to reflect on the book and its message, and to share it with others. The chapter also thanks Allah for His blessings and favors, and asks Him for His forgiveness and guidance.

Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22 is a book that narrates the details of the Battle of Badr, one of the most significant and decisive battles in the history of Islam. The book tells us about the background, events, and outcomes of this epic battle, as well as the lessons and morals that we can learn from it. The book is a valuable source of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to know more about the early history of Islam and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions. The book is available in Urdu language and can be downloaded from this link: Jang e Badar Ka Waqia Urdu PDF 22.



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