
L’eterno Marito Dostoevskij Pdf Download |VERIFIED|

L’eterno Marito Dostoevskij Pdf Download: A Review of the Classic Novel

L’eterno Marito (The Eternal Husband) is a short novel by the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, published in 1870. It tells the story of a paradoxical relationship between a cuckolded husband and his wife’s lover, a story of provocations, persecutions, reconciliations and violence. It is the only work in which Dostoevsky described the abyss of the ordinary, the abjection of the everyday.

What is L’eterno Marito about?

The novel begins with Velchaninov, a wealthy, idle and worldly landowner who is suffering from a midlife crisis. He has insomnia, he is tormented by a vague sense of guilt, he even has hallucinations or at least he thinks he does. A man with a black mourning band on his hat follows him, spies on him, watches him. But suddenly Velchaninov discovers that it is not a hallucination but a real person. It is Pavel Pavlovich, the eternal husband, who does not know that his wife cheated on him with Velchaninov. But then why so much ambiguity? Thus begins a bizarre relationship similar to a duel carried out by two skilled and fierce fencers.

Why should you read L’eterno Marito?

L’eterno Marito is a masterpiece of love and betrayal, a psychological thriller that explores the themes of guilt, jealousy, revenge and forgiveness. Dostoevsky portrays his characters with depth and realism, revealing their inner conflicts and contradictions. The novel also offers a vivid portrait of Russian society in the 19th century, with its moral decay, social inequality and political turmoil.

How to download L’eterno Marito Dostoevskij Pdf?

If you want to read L’eterno Marito by Dostoevsky in PDF format for free, you can find it online on various websites. However, you should be careful about the quality and legality of the sources. Some of them may contain errors, viruses or malware. A safer option is to buy the ebook from reputable online stores such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You can also borrow it from your local library or read it on Goodreads.

What are the main themes of L’eterno Marito?

One of the main themes of L’eterno Marito is the contrast between appearance and reality, between the social mask and the true self. Both Velchaninov and Pavel Pavlovich are hypocrites who hide their feelings and motives behind a facade of politeness and respectability. They also deceive themselves about their own nature and their relationship with the deceased woman. The novel exposes the falsity and emptiness of their lives, as well as the corruption and injustice of the society they live in.

What are the literary influences of L’eterno Marito?

L’eterno Marito is influenced by several literary works, especially by the French novelists of the 19th century. Dostoevsky admired Balzac, Flaubert, Stendhal and Zola, and borrowed some of their techniques and themes. For example, he used the device of the unreliable narrator, who distorts or omits important facts, to create suspense and ambiguity. He also explored the psychological effects of adultery, a common topic in French realism and naturalism. Moreover, he was inspired by some specific works, such as Madame Bovary by Flaubert, The Red and the Black by Stendhal, and Cousin Bette by Balzac.

What are the critical opinions of L’eterno Marito?

L’eterno Marito has received mixed reviews from critics and readers. Some have praised it as one of Dostoevsky’s best works, a brilliant and original study of human psychology and morality. Others have criticized it as a minor and flawed work, a melodramatic and implausible story with weak and inconsistent characters. Some have also found it too dark and depressing, lacking the humor and hope that characterize Dostoevsky’s other novels.

How to appreciate L’eterno Marito?

To appreciate L’eterno Marito, you need to read it with an open mind and a critical eye. You need to pay attention to the details and the nuances of the language, the style and the structure. You need to analyze the characters and their motivations, their actions and their reactions. You need to understand the historical and cultural context of the novel, as well as the personal and artistic background of the author. You need to compare and contrast it with other works by Dostoevsky and by other writers. And you need to reflect on the meaning and the message of the novel, on its relevance and its impact on you.

What are the benefits of reading L’eterno Marito?

Reading L’eterno Marito can offer you many benefits, both intellectual and emotional. You can learn a lot about the Russian literature and culture, about the history and the society of the 19th century, about the philosophy and the religion of Dostoevsky. You can also improve your critical thinking and your analytical skills, your vocabulary and your writing style. You can also enjoy a captivating and engaging story, a rich and complex plot, a vivid and realistic setting, a powerful and expressive language. You can also experience a range of emotions, from curiosity and suspense to pity and sympathy, from anger and disgust to admiration and respect.

Where can you find more information about L’eterno Marito?

If you want to find more information about L’eterno Marito, you can consult various sources online or offline. You can read some reviews and ratings on Goodreads, some summaries and analyses on Wikipedia or SparkNotes, some essays and articles on academic journals or websites. You can also watch some videos or podcasts on YouTube or Spotify, some lectures or courses on Coursera or edX, some documentaries or movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime. You can also visit some libraries or bookstores, some museums or exhibitions, some monuments or landmarks related to Dostoevsky and his novel.

How to read L’eterno Marito Dostoevskij Pdf?

If you want to read L’eterno Marito by Dostoevsky in PDF format, you need to have a device that can support this file type, such as a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. You also need to have a software or an app that can open and display PDF files, such as Adobe Reader, Google Chrome or iBooks. You can download the PDF file from the website where you bought or borrowed it, or from the email where you received it. You can then open the file and start reading it on your device. You can also print the file if you prefer to read it on paper.


L’eterno Marito by Dostoevsky is a short novel that explores the complex and paradoxical relationship between a cuckolded husband and his wife’s lover. It is a masterpiece of love and betrayal, a psychological thriller that reveals the abyss of the ordinary, the abjection of the everyday. It is also a work that reflects the Russian literature and culture, the history and the society of the 19th century, the philosophy and the religion of Dostoevsky. It is a novel that can offer you many benefits, both intellectual and emotional, if you read it with an open mind and a critical eye. You can download L’eterno Marito Dostoevskij Pdf from various sources online or offline, and enjoy this classic novel in PDF format.

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