
Mendesain Logo Surianto Rustan Pdf 191 [NEW]

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Mendesain Logo: A Guide to Logo Design by Surianto Rustan

Logo design is a creative and challenging process that requires a lot of research, experimentation, and refinement. A logo is not just a simple graphic symbol, but a visual representation of a brand’s identity, values, and personality. A logo can communicate a lot of information in a glance, such as the name, industry, and quality of a company or product.

But how do you design a logo that stands out from the crowd and conveys the right message? How do you choose the right shape, color, font, and style for your logo? How do you apply your logo to different media and contexts? And how do you protect your logo from being copied or misused?

If you are looking for answers to these questions, then you might want to check out Mendesain Logo, a book by Surianto Rustan, a renowned Indonesian graphic designer and lecturer. This book is a comprehensive resource for logo designers, both beginners and professionals. It covers the history, theory, and practice of logo design, with plenty of examples and tips.

What is Mendesain Logo?

Mendesain Logo is a book written by Surianto Rustan, S.Sn., who has more than 20 years of experience in graphic design and teaching. He is also the author of Layout, another popular book on graphic design. Mendesain Logo was first published in 2009 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, one of the largest publishers in Indonesia. It has been revised and updated several times since then, with the latest edition being released in 2013.

The book is divided into eight chapters, each covering a different aspect of logo design. The chapters are:

  • Sejarah Logo (History of Logo): This chapter traces the origin and evolution of logos from ancient times to the present day. It also introduces some of the most influential logo designers and their works.
  • Apa Itu Logo? (What is Logo?): This chapter defines and explains the concept and function of logos. It also discusses the anatomy and types of logos, such as logotype, logogram, signature, trademark, brand, etc.
  • Membuat Logo (Making Logo): This chapter outlines the steps and criteria for creating a logo. It covers the stages of research, brainstorming, sketching, refining, testing, and presenting. It also provides some guidelines on how to choose the appropriate shape, color, font, and style for your logo.
  • Sistem Identitas (Identity System): This chapter shows how to apply your logo to various media and contexts. It explains the concept and components of an identity system, such as stationery, packaging, signage, website, etc. It also gives some examples of identity systems from different industries.
  • Isu Seputar Logo (Issues Around Logo): This chapter addresses some of the common issues and challenges that logo designers face. It covers topics such as plagiarism, redesigning, rebranding, globalization, social responsibility, etc.
  • Eksplorasi Logo (Logo Exploration): This chapter showcases some of the creative and innovative logo designs from around the world. It features logos from various categories, such as abstract, geometric, organic, typographic, pictorial, etc.
  • Daftar Pustaka (Bibliography): This chapter lists some of the books and websites that can help you learn more about logo design.
  • Kata Penutup (Closing Words): This chapter summarizes the main points and messages of the book.

The book is written in Indonesian language and has 168 pages. It is printed in full color on matte paper and has a size of 23.5 x 17.5 cm. The book is richly illustrated with hundreds of logos from various sources and eras. The book also includes some exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge and skills.

Why Read Mendesain Logo?

If you are interested in logo design, whether as a hobby or a career, then Mendesain Logo is a book that you should not miss. This book will teach you the fundamentals and principles of logo design, as well as inspire you with some of the best examples of logo design from around the world. You will learn how to:

  • Understand the history and evolution of logos and their impact on culture and society.
  • Define and differentiate the various types and categories of logos and their functions.
  • Follow a systematic and creative process for designing a logo that suits your client’s needs and expectations.
  • Apply your logo to different media and contexts, such as stationery, packaging, signage, website, etc.
  • Deal with some of the common issues and challenges that logo designers face, such as plagiarism, redesigning, rebranding, globalization, social responsibility, etc.
  • Explore and experiment with different shapes, colors, fonts, and styles for your logo.

Mendesain Logo is a book that will not only teach you how to design a logo, but also how to appreciate and enjoy logo design as an art form. You will discover the beauty and meaning behind some of the most iconic and memorable logos in history. You will also get to know some of the most influential and talented logo designers and their works.

Mendesain Logo is a book that will enrich your knowledge and skills in logo design. It will also inspire you to create your own logo designs that are original, attractive, and effective.

How to Buy Mendesain Logo?

If you are interested in buying Mendesain Logo, you have several options to choose from. You can buy the book online or offline, depending on your preference and convenience. Here are some of the ways you can buy the book:

  • Online: You can buy the book online from various platforms, such as Google Play Books, Gramedia Digital, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, etc. You can choose to buy the ebook version or the physical version of the book. The ebook version is cheaper and more convenient, as you can download and read it on your device anytime and anywhere. The physical version is more expensive and requires shipping and delivery, but you can enjoy the feel and look of the printed book.
  • Offline: You can buy the book offline from various bookstores, such as Gramedia, Toga Mas, Gunung Agung, etc. You can also borrow the book from libraries, such as Perpustakaan Nasional RI, Perpustakaan UI, Perpustakaan ITB, etc. The advantage of buying or borrowing the book offline is that you can browse and check the book before you decide to buy or borrow it. The disadvantage is that you might not find the book in stock or available in some places.

Whichever way you choose to buy Mendesain Logo, you will not regret it. This book is a valuable and useful resource for anyone who wants to learn and practice logo design. It will help you improve your knowledge and skills in logo design, as well as inspire you with some of the best examples of logo design from around the world.

Who is Surianto Rustan?

Surianto Rustan, S.Sn. is the author of Mendesain Logo. He is a renowned Indonesian graphic designer and lecturer who has more than 20 years of experience in graphic design and teaching. He is also the author of Layout, another popular book on graphic design.

Surianto Rustan was born in Jakarta on June 6, 1968. He graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) with a degree in Visual Communication Design in 1994. He then pursued his master’s degree in Graphic Design at Curtin University of Technology in Australia in 1998.

Surianto Rustan has worked as a graphic designer for various companies and organizations, such as PT Indosat Tbk., PT Telkom Tbk., PT Bank Mandiri Tbk., PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk., PT Pertamina Tbk., PT PLN Tbk., PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk., PT Angkasa Pura II Tbk., PT Jasa Marga Tbk., PT Kereta Api Indonesia Tbk., etc. He has also designed logos for various brands and products, such as Indosat Ooredoo, Telkomsel Kartu As, Mandiri Syariah, BNI Syariah, Pertamina Dexlite, Garuda Indonesia Experience Indonesia, Angkasa Pura II Airport of Smiles, Jasa Marga Connecting Indonesia, Kereta Api Indonesia Maju Bersama Rakyat, etc.

Surianto Rustan has also taught graphic design at various universities and institutions, such as Universitas Indonesia (UI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), Universitas Bina Nusantara (BINUS), Universitas Tarumanagara (UNTAR), Universitas Kristen Petra (UK Petra), Universitas Kristen Maranatha (UK Maranatha), Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW), etc.

Surianto Rustan has also written several books on graphic design, such as Layout, Mendesain Logo, Tipografi dalam Desain Grafis, Komunikasi Visual Terpadu, etc. He has also received several awards and recognitions for his work and contribution to graphic design, such as The Best Lecturer Award from UI in 2005 and 2006, The Best Lecturer Award from UPH

What are the Benefits of Mendesain Logo?

Mendesain Logo is a book that offers many benefits for anyone who wants to learn and practice logo design. Some of the benefits are:

  • Knowledge: You will gain a lot of knowledge about logo design, such as the history, theory, and practice of logo design. You will learn the concepts and definitions of logos and their related terms. You will also learn the steps and criteria for creating a logo, as well as the anatomy and types of logos.
  • Skill: You will improve your skill in logo design, such as how to choose and use the appropriate shape, color, font, and style for your logo. You will also learn how to apply your logo to different media and contexts, such as stationery, packaging, signage, website, etc. You will also learn how to deal with some of the common issues and challenges that logo designers face.
  • Inspiration: You will get inspired by some of the creative and innovative logo designs from around the world. You will see logos from various categories, such as abstract, geometric, organic, typographic, pictorial, etc. You will also get to know some of the most influential and talented logo designers and their works.
  • Enjoyment: You will enjoy reading and learning from Mendesain Logo. The book is written in an engaging and easy-to-understand language. The book is also richly illustrated with hundreds of logos from various sources and eras. The book also includes some exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge and skills.

Mendesain Logo is a book that will not only benefit you as a logo designer, but also as a graphic designer, a visual communicator, a brand strategist, or a logo enthusiast. This book will help you appreciate and enjoy logo design as an art form and a communication tool.


Mendesain Logo is a book that every logo designer should read. It is a comprehensive resource that covers the history, theory, and practice of logo design. It teaches you the fundamentals and principles of logo design, as well as inspires you with some of the best examples of logo design from around the world. It also helps you improve your knowledge and skills in logo design, as well as enjoy logo design as an art form and a communication tool.

If you are interested in buying Mendesain Logo, you can buy it online or offline from various platforms and bookstores. You can also borrow it from libraries. You can choose to buy the ebook version or the physical version of the book, depending on your preference and convenience.

Mendesain Logo is a book that will enrich your experience and understanding of logo design. It will also inspire you to create your own logo designs that are original, attractive, and effective.



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