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My friends, after a few days doing these tests, I am convinced that the main reason for this weird issue is crashing of the.exe file. Now, I have decided to do a comparison and found out that I was right. There is something I was missing in order to really understand what is going on and how to solve the problem.
The crazy thing is that it’s happening even in two different machines, or even two different versions of Windows, either 7 or 8.
I figured out that when I use the *.exe file which is inside the same folder as the *.dll files (which I made myself) it works, but when I try to use the *.exe file which is somewhere else, it crashes, and I was only able to see it by using WinDbg and VS debugger.
So the question here is: What is going on? And how can I fix it?
PS: I know that the solution could be the one I found here, but it won’t work for me, maybe because I need to install the.dll files in the same folder as the.exe file. I tried it many times before I started to do these tests, but it didn’t work, it only gave an error that “The specified module could not be found”. And again, it only happens when I use the *.exe file which is inside the same folder as the *.dll files.
PPS: I have done a comparison between the *.dll files and the *.exe file, and I figured out that there is an extra file (I don’t know why) called: UnInstall.txt.


I really suggest to use the provided.jar files. To do so, just download them and unzip in the folder where you keep your *.dll files. Then you can point to those files by calling the jar command (see below).
This will avoid having to distribute extra files (and they will be in the same folder if you use the jars provided). But mainly, I recommend to avoid installing anything manually (including.jar files, if you don’t know what they do) and let the respective providers distribute them for you.
To do so, just provide your URL (or download) to the providers and let them do the work.
c:\>jar -xvf ~/Documents/downloads/Library_of_the_Z


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Menu Items not showing up in JFrame

I have a problem with my JFrame. The menu items of my menu don’t show up.
I also have problems with different colours, as you can see.
How can I get the menu items to show up?
Here is my code:
public class Main extends JFrame {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Main frame = new Main();

public Main() {
// Window Title
setTitle(“Main Menu”);
// My frame dimensions
Dimension dimension = new Dimension(425, 200);
// Set the frame size
// Create the menu and menu items
Container container = this.getContentPane();
menuBar = new JMenuBar();
menuFile = new JMenu(“File”);
menuFile.add(menuExit = new JMenuItem(“Exit”));
menuHelp = new JMenu(“Help”);
menuHelp.add(menuChangeLanguage = new JMenuItem(“Change Language”));
menuAbout = new JMenu(“About”);
menuAbout.add(menuIco = new JMenuItem(“ICO”));

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