
Minecraft Xbox 360 Tu 80 Download [2021]

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How to Download Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80

Minecraft is one of the most popular and creative games in the world, with millions of players enjoying its endless possibilities. If you are a fan of Minecraft and you own an Xbox 360 console, you might be interested in downloading the latest title update (TU) for the game, which is TU 80. In this article, we will explain what is Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80, how to get it, and how to play it.

What is Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80?

Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 is the latest version of the game for the Xbox 360 platform, released on December 18, 2019. It is also known as the Buzzy Bees update, as it introduces bees and bee-related items to the game, such as honeycombs, honey bottles, honey blocks, and bee nests. It also adds some other features and fixes some bugs from previous versions.

The features of TU 80

Some of the main features of Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 are:

  • Bees: These are new mobs that spawn in flower forests, plains, and sunflower plains biomes. They are neutral and will only attack if provoked. They can pollinate flowers and crops, and produce honey in their nests.
  • Bee nests: These are naturally generated blocks that house up to three bees. They can be found hanging from oak or birch trees in certain biomes. They can be harvested with a silk touch tool or shears to get honeycombs.
  • Beehives: These are crafted blocks that function like bee nests, but can house up to four bees. They can be crafted with six planks and three honeycombs. They can be harvested with a glass bottle or shears to get honey bottles or honeycombs.
  • Honeycombs: These are items that can be obtained from bee nests or beehives with shears. They can be used to craft beehives or honeycomb blocks.
  • Honey bottles: These are items that can be obtained from bee nests or beehives with a glass bottle. They can be used to craft honey blocks or sugar, or consumed to restore hunger and remove poison effects.
  • Honey blocks: These are blocks that can be crafted with four honey bottles. They have sticky properties and can slow down entities that walk on them or slide down them. They can also move other blocks when pushed by pistons.
  • Other features: Some other features of TU 80 include new achievements, new sounds, new particles, new dispenser behaviors, new game rules, new commands, new tags, and more.

The benefits of TU 80

Some of the benefits of downloading and installing Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 are:

  • You can enjoy the latest content and features of the game, such as bees and honey-related items.
  • You can experience improved performance and stability of the game, as well as bug fixes and optimizations.
  • You can join online multiplayer servers that require the latest version of the game.
  • You can access new tutorials and tips for the game on the official website or YouTube channel.

How to get Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80?

If you want to download and install Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80, you will need to meet some requirements and follow some steps.

The requirements for TU 80

The requirements for getting Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 are:

  • An Xbox 360 console with a hard drive or a USB flash drive with at least 512 MB of free space.
  • A copy of Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition, either digital or disc-based.
  • An internet connection and an Xbox Live account.

The steps to download and install TU 80

The steps to download and install Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 are:

  1. Launch the game from your Xbox 360 dashboard or disc tray. If you have a digital copy, make sure you are signed in to your Xbox Live account.
  2. If there is a new update available, you will see a prompt on the screen asking you to download it. Select “Yes” to start the download process. If you do not see the prompt, you can manually check for updates by pressing the Xbox button on your controller and selecting “Settings” > “System Settings” > “Storage” > “Games and Apps” > “Minecraft” > “Update”.
  3. Wait for the download to complete. It may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed and the size of the update. You can check the progress by pressing the Xbox button on your controller and selecting “Active Downloads”.
  4. Once the download is finished, you will be asked to install the update. Select “Yes” to start the installation process. You may need to restart the game or your console for the changes to take effect.
  5. Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded and installed Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80. You can now enjoy the new features and improvements of the game.

How to play Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80?

Now that you have Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80, you might be wondering how to play it and what to do with it. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started.

The modes and options of TU 80

Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 offers two main modes of gameplay: survival and creative. In survival mode, you have to gather resources, craft tools and items, build shelters, fight enemies, and explore the world. In creative mode, you have unlimited resources and can build anything you want without any restrictions or dangers. You can also play online with other players or offline by yourself or with friends on split-screen.

You can customize your game experience by changing some options in the settings menu. For example, you can change the difficulty level, the game rules, the controls, the audio, the video, and more. You can also create your own world by selecting a seed, a world type, a biome scale, and a bonus chest.

The tips and tricks for TU 80

Some of the tips and tricks for playing Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 are:

  • Use honey blocks to create sticky contraptions or sliding platforms. You can also use them to prevent fall damage by landing on them.
  • Use honey bottles to cure poison effects or craft sugar. You can also use them to feed bees or breed them.
  • Use shears to collect honeycombs from bee nests or beehives. You can also use them to shear sheep, carve pumpkins, or break cobwebs.
  • Use silk touch tools to collect bee nests with bees inside. You can then place them in another location or use them for decoration.
  • Use campfires or dispensers with glass bottles to collect honey from bee nests or beehives without angering the bees.
  • Use flowers or crops to attract bees and make them pollinate them. This will increase the growth rate and yield of your plants.
  • Use dispensers with shears or glass bottles to automate the harvesting of honeycombs or honey from bee nests or beehives.
  • Use leads to tether bees to fences or posts. This will prevent them from wandering off or getting lost.
  • Use firework rockets to boost your elytra flight or create colorful explosions in the sky.
  • Use scaffolding blocks to quickly build up or down without placing or breaking blocks.


Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 is a great update that adds bees and honey-related items to the game, as well as some other features and bug fixes. It is easy to download and install, and it offers a lot of fun and creativity for players of all ages and skill levels. If you have not tried it yet, we highly recommend that you do so as soon as possible.

Summary of the main points

In this article, we have covered:

  • What is Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 and what are its features and benefits.
  • How to get Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 and what are the requirements and steps for it.
  • How to play Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 and what are the modes and options for it.
  • Some tips and tricks for playing Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80 and how to use the new items and features.

Call to action and invitation for feedback

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who might also be interested in the game. Also, feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you think about the update, or if you have any questions or suggestions for us. We would love to hear from you and help you out. Thank you for reading and happy gaming!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 80:

Q: How do I update my game to TU 80 if I have a disc-based copy?

A: If you have a disc-based copy of Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition, you will need to insert the disc into your console and launch the game. You will then see a prompt on the screen asking you to download the update. Select “Yes” to start the download process. You may need to restart the game or your console for the changes to take effect.

Q: How do I update my game to TU 80 if I have a digital copy?

A: If you have a digital copy of Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition, you will need to sign in to your Xbox Live account and launch the game from your dashboard. You will then see a prompt on the screen asking you to download the update. Select “Yes” to start the download process. You may need to restart the game or your console for the changes to take effect.

Q: How do I back up my save data before updating my game?

A: It is always a good idea to back up your save data before updating your game, in case something goes wrong or you want to revert to an older version. To back up your save data, you will need to go to your Xbox 360 dashboard and select “Settings” > “System Settings” > “Storage” > “Games and Apps” > “Minecraft”. Then, select the save file you want to back up and choose “Copy”. You can then choose a different storage device, such as a USB flash drive or a cloud storage, to copy your save file to.

Q: How do I restore my save data if something goes wrong with the update?

A: If something goes wrong with the update or you want to restore your save data, you will need to go to your Xbox 360 dashboard and select “Settings” > “System Settings” > “Storage” > “Games and Apps” > “Minecraft”. Then, select the save file you want to restore and choose “Move”. You can then choose the storage device where you have your original save file, such as a USB flash drive or a cloud storage, and move it back to your console.

Q: How do I delete the update if I don’t like it or want to play an older version?

A: If you want to delete the update or play an older version of the game, you will need to go to your Xbox 360 dashboard and select “Settings” > “System Settings” > “Storage” > “Games and Apps” > “Minecraft” > “Update”. Then, select the update file and choose “Delete”. You will then be able to play the game without the update, but you may lose some features or compatibility with online servers.


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