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Some of the biggest stars of modern comedy – including Ricky Gervais and David Walliams – were in the audience to see his last show.
The talented Barry and his creative collaborator Andy were integral parts of Radio 4’s The Day Today, Black Books and Look Around You.
In looking back on their work together, they discovered they were born within a month of each other.
‘Who would have thought we’d be doing this together?’ said Barry. ‘There are a lot of magical things about this place and it’s lovely to be coming back.’
Recalling their adventures, Barry said: ‘We’ve had some incredible, crazy, fun times together.
‘And I’m glad I got to know him and now we’re having dinner together in New York because he’s still not forgiven me for pulling out of his roast.
‘But I understand – it was a lot to take in. I don’t want to let my guard down either. I’ve learned a lot from him.
‘He’s been a real friend to me over the years and it’s great to be back.’
Asked to pick his favourite Big Egg-style show of the 70s, Barry chose I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue.
He said: ‘The humour is modern, but it’s just classic Big Egg – the timing, the sarcasm, the jokes.
‘It’s possibly the best thing I’ve ever seen.
‘It just makes me laugh and think of a friend I know who’s
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