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January 27, 2018 – … e-44 From January 27 to February 3, 2018, the annual action “I am a citizen of Russia” will take place in cities and districts of the Chelyabinsk region. The action is initiated by the Russian Union of Youth with the support of the Main Department of Youth Policy of the Chelyabinsk region. Residents of the region till 18 years old can take part in the event. Under the action, participants will develop and implement their own social projects aimed at solving various problems of the local community. “The aim of the project is to create conditions for the development of civic activity of adolescents through the development and implementation of social projects aimed at solving problems of the local community and improving the quality of life of citizens. During 2017, participants will develop and implement social projects “From Dreams to Reality”, “The Road to the Future”, “Together we can do more”, “My Land – My Rights”, “From Idea to Action”, “City of Good Deeds”, – told the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Crimea. In the framework of the project three stages are planned: 1st stage – preparatory, its goal – development and implementation of youth social projects aimed at solving problems of the local community and improving the quality of life of citizens. Stage 2 – municipal, purpose – summarizing the results of youth social projects. Stage 3 – republican, its purpose – provision of expert assessment of the project, discussion and public defense of the project. Implementation of the project will last from March to October 2017. Participation in the project is free of charge. To participate, it is necessary to register and fill out the Questionnaire of the project participant, as well as consent to the processing of personal data. You can also download the project template. You can submit your application for participation until March 17 in the group “I love Khanty-Mansiysk” in the social network “VKontakte”, on the website of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Ugra, on the project website, on the project page. “We encourage young people to show themselves, their talents and abilities, to take part in this large-scale project,” said Aleksey Drenin, director of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of Yugra. “Ugra is one of the regions that are actively developing, and it is important for every person, especially at a young age, to participate and see the real results of their work, – said Natalia Komarova, the governor of the Autonomous Okrug. – That’s why we launch the project “Country’s Youth Team”. Its aim is the development of the youth movement in Ugra. Today we have over 6 000 young people who are members of different all-Russian and regional organizations. They participate in different projects, programs and events. Everyone who is between 18 and 35 years old should get an opportunity to express themselves. We are ready to support them, to help them implement their plans, projects and ideas. The task of the project is to involve the maximum number of young Ugra citizens in the participation in the social and political life of the region. We want to create a platform for communication between young people, young people of our territory with an active civil position. So that all these initiatives and projects can be supported and implemented, – addressed Boris Khokhryakov, Deputy of the Okrug Duma, to the young people. Today there are 35 young deputies in the Duma, among them there are representatives of all municipal entities of Ugra. Regional Duma deputy Boris Khokhryakov: “All our young colleagues have good working experience in their municipal formations. It proves that they have sufficient knowledge for law making. I’m sure that we’ll be able to improve their theoretical training in the future as well. This will help them be able to make balanced, competent decisions on issues that require deep analysis and thorough understanding. According to the Okrug Department of public and external relations, representatives of Ugra Association of Young Deputies took part in the meeting. “You are young and you should understand that without entrepreneurship development and without small and medium business development we can’t talk about prosperity and increasing of living standards of Ugra citizens”, – said the head of the region. The governor told that in 2019 more than four billion rubles are allocated to support small and medium-sized businesses. “This is one billion more than last year. none none City budget revenues from the single tax on imputed income The budget revenues of the Chelyabinsk region from the unified tax on imputed In 2011 the budget of Chelyabinsk is planned to additionally Chelyabinsk region budget revenues from the income tax Budget income of the Chelyabinsk region from the income tax. Revenues of the city budget from the use of property that constitutes Budget revenues of the Chelyabinsk region from the tax on


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