PES 2010 – SMoKE Patch 2.2 Pc Game
Recent longitudinal studies suggest that the intensity of smoking behavior among college students is based in part on parental smoking
- Compared with the general population of young adults, college students are more likely to be daily smokers
- They are more likely to report that their fathers are regular smokers than are students who did not attend college
Further research shows that tobacco companies have expanded their marketing efforts to teenagers, youth, and young adults, targeting several population groups, including occasional, current, and daily smokers. Research also shows that the recent marketing campaign to youth (including college students) includes more comprehensive and interactive features, such as videos (featuring celebrity endorsers and subliminal messaging), websites, and mobile applications, than has been the case in the past (Hendlin et al. 2009a ; 2007).
The area of work most in need of new research is the study of how smoking influences the developmental path of young adults and teenagers and influences the adult status of former smokers. For example, we know that adolescent and young adult smokers have the highest quitting rates, but we know little about the long-term success rate of this group in quitting smoking. Longitudinal studies with various follow-up periods are needed to give reliable estimates of these rates. What we know about youth is that cigarette smoking influences the choices they make about their lives. However, this connection has not yet been analyzed systematically.
Contemporary youth media contains images that feature smoking that are inconsistent with social and legal norms (Fitzgerald & Associates, 2006). Youth are exposed to this media advertising and these images and portrayals of smoking that can be highly influential in shaping their attitudes and behaviors (DeLamater et al., 2004; Scherer & McWilliams, 1999). This media portrayal, as well as cigarette marketing, tobacco company advertising, and brand imagery on the Internet, including on social media, cause considerable damage to society, as they promote smoking in youth and young adults, and encourage youth and young adult smoking and those who want to smoke to have no choice but to try a cigarette or to help someone else do so (Babor et al., 2009).
Examination of public health associations between TV/movie characters and smoking and other health outcomes in adolescents suggests that, although the effect of TV/movie smoking representations is small in comparison to the effect of advertising and advertising exposure on adolescent smoking, such representations may still be important to young smokers and have an influence on smokers, especially those who smoke filtered cigarettes. Most studies have used observational, cross-sectional designs to investigate the link between movie smoking and youth smoking. This study is the largest to date examining the effect of exposure to cigarette advertising on smoking behavior among teenagers. Pierce and associates (2009) examined data from 9,205 California teenagers surveyed in 1993, 1994, and 1995. The study assessed whether exposure to cigarette advertising predicted current smoking (defined as having smoked within the last month) among never smokers who had a favorite advertisement, who were willing to use a promotional item, or who had access to a cigarette promotional item. During the 4 years of follow-up, current smokers and experimenters increased significantly, yet never smokers decreased. After accounting for various demographic and attitudinal variables, exposure to cigarette advertising was significantly associated with greater odds of becoming a current smoker. In addition, adolescents who were exposed to an advertisement were more likely to report wanting to use a cigarette promotional item than those who were not exposed. In a study of adolescents in California, Morrissette and associates (2007) used a type of longitudinal regression analysis to examine the independent effect of exposure to tobacco-related products on attitudes toward smoking and the tobacco industry. Data were collected at baseline (before exposure to the advertising and products) and at two follow-up points, six and 18 months later. The analysis controlled for demographic characteristics, attitudes toward tobacco, smoking behavior, and family, friends, and academic influences. The analysis found that the adolescents who reported exposure to advertisements and products for cigarettes and smokeless products at baseline were more likely to be current smokers at follow-up. Self-reported exposure to advertisements and products was also a significant predictor of positive attitudes toward the tobacco industry, and the relationship was stronger among the smokers than nonsmokers. 5ec8ef588b