PhpCipher Crack + [Win/Mac]
phpCipher is the most complete and robust PHP Encoder. It offers you a full fledged PHP Encoder including real VNC/RFB integration, support for file uploads, full editing of your PHP code, integrated HTTP and FTP encryption, unlimited number of encryption layers, multiple licensing options and most importantly – automatic integration with your favorite HTTP/FTP/POP3/IMAP servers. phpCipher also integrates with Zend Server and loaders if your server already has it.
Using phpcipher:
1. Encrypt or Decrypt your php files regardless of the platform.
2. Upload files to the server and the server will decrypt and run the php scripts for you.
3. You can choose the location of the extracted files by FTP, HTTP, or POP3/IMAP protocol.
4. Place your php files on any location on your server (not on the web root).
5. Edit the source code in any editor.
6. Decrypt the files from the server or any location using FTP, HTTP or POP3/IMAP.
7. Re-edit the files if the web server can’t interpret php.
8. Send the files to any location in the world as a zip file.
9. Re-edit the files using FTP or HTTP when the FTP and HTTP servers recognize the encrypted code.
10. Edit the files locally.
11. Save the files in any location.
12. Any time the files are uploaded, the server will decrypt the files.
13. phpCipher comes with extensive online help and user guides.
14. You can also export the encryption keys so that you can use the same script everywhere.
15. It is extremely easy to integrate phpCipher with php scripts as it requires absolutely no installation and integrates with almost all web servers.
16. PHP code can easily be edited using any editor of your choice. We tested our encoder with PhpDesign, Dreamweaver, and Wysywyg editors. Just tell the script to use the ‘base64’ encryption method.
17. phpCipher is VNC/RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) integrated. It is fully tested with VNC and RealVNC. phpCipher is compatible with both of them.
18. It is compatible with IMAP, POP3, HTTP and FTP.
19. It is compatible with Windows, Linux, OS X and other platforms.
PhpCipher Free Download [Mac/Win]
phpCipher provides the ultimate way to protect your valuable source code. Just encrypt your sensitive source code using the intuitive Interface and have it generated automatically, ready to be placed on your web site.
With the phpCipher control panel, you will never have to login to a remote server again. It is operated from your browser.
Our phpCipher is a must-have tool for all who are protecting their valuable source code.
We believe that protecting your intellectual property is an integral part of the internet services you are providing to your customers. When you pass on your source code, you are entrusting it to the public. Your source code is what makes your software applications unique.
If you plan on sharing your code in the form of a script or function, you need to protect it. Otherwise, your code could be easily understood and reverse engineered, making your source code obsolete and valueless.
“phpCipher” is our solution to the problem. “phpCipher” helps you protect your code by generating it as a machine-executable encrypted script file.
We have made a lot of experiments and tests to make sure that our phpCipher can solve all the current threats that are known for protecting scripts.
“phpCipher” is completely standalone and does not require any of the “script execution/interpretation” libraries.
Using the advanced encoding technology, “phpCipher” generates an executable php script file. We implemented the functionality of python and perl Encoder so that phpCipher can work on any web server running on any operating system.
With “phpCipher” you can protect up to 1,000 characters per script file.
Compared to the proprietary source code protector(s), “phpCipher” can encrypt php codes with the smallest footprint at a much quicker speed.
The “phpCipher” incorporates various features that are not found on other script protectors:
■ Complete and robust – “phpCipher” is the first php encoder that has been tested extensively for various versions of php: php4 and php5. We have found the script encoding process to be more stable than any other php encoder. As far as “phpCipher” is concerned, the “alt” system is 100% compatible with any other script encoder.
■ Support for 3rd party php extensions: A large percentage of the largest php script libraries such as Zend, CodeIgniter, Kohana, and Adonis
PhpCipher Crack Patch With Serial Key [April-2022]
Here are some key features of phpCipher:
phpCipher is a PHP encryption utility that converts your source code to encrypted PHP script. Developers use encryption to secure their source code with the following objectives:
Encrypt source code.
Hide source code.
Protect source code.
An encrypted source code is much harder to reverse-engineer. It is also much more secure than a normal PHP script as it is not exposed to the publicly accessible file system.
Simply run the phpCipher utility using PHP’s exec() function, and you will be provided with a convenient set of parameters to configure the encryption process. Our phpCipher utility will automatically parse your PHP source code and look for the correct values to initialize and run the encryption.
Important note: Your source code must be in a text format suitable to be processed by phpCipher. This includes white-space characters, leading/trailing blanks and typical line-endings.
phpCipher encrypts PHP source code to the following types of file extensions:
What’s New in the PhpCipher?
Try phpCipher before you buy. See why it’s the best php encoder out there.
Grab it for free at
What’s new:
Thanks for the amazing feedback. We’ve added a help page and help forum to our site. Enjoy!
What’s new in phpCipher 4.1.0:
1. Bug fixes, and a whole lot more security.
2. Added support for MSSQL Server.
3. Added support for MySQL 4.1
4. Added support for MySQL 4.0
5. Added support for MySQL 5.1 (thanks for the feedback Scott!)
6. Added support for MySQL 5.0
7. You can now log into phpCipher from a live web page. No longer is PHP needed to create the login page.
8. Added a brief summary of the full help page if you’re browsing this page from the demo.
9. Added a “no installation” message to the demo.
10. Removed the uploader options, because it was only supposed to be a demo.
11. Added “do not ask again” button.
There are also many other bug fixes in this release.
A few of the bug fixes in this release:
* Fixed a problem where non-ASCII characters in the filename were shown as random blocks of symbols in the resulting script.
* Fixed a problem with MySQL connection names in the connection array.
* Fixed a problem with MySQL version numbers not being interpreted correctly.
* Improved handling of PHP < 5.1.0
* Improved handling of legal characters in the password.
* Added greater error handling when loading the GUI tool.
Note: if you are currently upgrading from an older version of phpCipher, be sure to delete phpCipher/ folder first so you don't end up overwriting your phpCipher installation.
X-WANTED-FOR is a better alternative to X-REQUESTED-WITH, since the latter goes away in IIS6/7 and later if you don't use it. It is the newer, more secure way of doing things. You really should consider upgrading to IIS7 if you are using PHP 5.3 or later, since it's the only way to use X-WANTED-FOR.
A great way to protect against cross site scripting and some other scripting bugs is to check for "
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400 2.5GHz, AMD Phenom II x6 3.2GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 660 or Radeon HD 7850
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
OS: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 10