
Planet Nomads V1 0 3 2 Update-RazorDOX \/\/TOP\\\\ ➞

Planet Nomads V1 0 3 2 Update-RazorDOX \/\/TOP\\\\ ➞


Planet Nomads V1 0 3 2 Update-RazorDOX

player characters are able to survive for 60 minutes without any water. afterwards they need to find a local water source to survive. water is the second most important resource besides food. if you are not producing water you are dying of dehydration. each day you have a chance to harvest water from plants or build your own. harvesting will increase the current water level and produce more water for the next day. building your own water source is the most expensive option and you will need to work with the local resources to accomplish this. you can only build certain structures and structures can be destroyed. building a rocket or a block with a tool will increase the current action radius. every so often a meteor hits the planet, add a new kind of block and a new danger to your adventure.

however, the planet is also inhabited by aliens, strange creatures that serve as a non-intrusive component to the game world. the environment is filled with strange life forms that are hostile to one another. you are in a constant battle of warring factions that surrounds you.

there are three main resources in planet nomads: food, water and gold. you need to manage these three resources to survive. you can create food, water and gold by harvesting blocks or building structures. all three resources are needed to craft items and there is a demand for each one of them. food is used to craft food items, water is used to craft water items and gold is used to craft gold items. it is generally bad to run out of food, water or gold, as it will hurt your chances of survival. the more you manage to build up, the more items you can craft. however, your inventory will grow. if you keep crafting your inventory will grow to the limit and you will not be able to craft anything. with the right strategies you will be able to make your inventory last a lot longer.

nordic circle map the nordic circle map is a resource that i created to help other travelers and new digital nomads to navigate the world with ease. this has been a collaborative project between me and fellow nomad artist, daniel mundis. we’ve used google maps to create the map but we hope to create a mobile app version in the future.
luckily, i was able to secure a pair of water canisters which i can now carry around with me, and as far as i know i’m the first human who has reached this planet for some time. i didn’t want to get too close to the gorillas for fear of being eaten, so i went back to my tent, and later came back to it to check in. the grass was a bit taller than usual and the gorillas were gone.
the purpose of this blog is to show the advanced features in planet nomads that i am currently developing. now that the beginning of the tutorial has been completed, the focus will be on the survival side of things. while the environment is procedurally generated, the players only have a static map, and the only variables are the gear they choose to bring. a dynamic way to work on this is to spawn small creatures to explore the map and see what they find, and these creatures are created using the entities code.
the basic idea behind the game is to explore a procedurally generated planet with a static map and play out the survival needs one step at a time. build something, use it, build something else, use it, and repeat. the building is done in a blocky fashion, with a few basic options in terms of materials.
once you have all five basic needs covered, you can start working on your personal goal, which is either to survive the world, or to explore it. to explore the world, you have to build a boat. the boat can move on water and land, and can even carry one or two people in it. the boat can be used to cross large gaps or areas, and can be used to go from point to point. the purpose of the boat is to explore the planet.


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