ProNFS is a complex package for integrating the Microsoft Windows and TCP/IP network environments. ProNFS is an effective tool that helps you transform a standard PC running under MS Windows into a multi-function terminal. Being based on the TCP/IP open standards, the package integrates a PC into an interoperable computer network. The network of dissimilar computers and operating systems becomes perfectly transparent to you. ProNFS enables you to work on your PC’s screen with several applications executed simultaneously on various network nodes. As a result, a heterogeneous network appears to you as a unified large computer system arranged directly on your desktop. ProNFS has both the NFS Client and Server bundled into its program. The NFS Client The NFS Client is an application running under the MS Windows operating system in order to mount one or more shared network resources from one or more NFS Servers and to share access to files. A shared network resource is any folder that the administrator makes available to be mounted and its subdirectories. The process of making such resources available is called exporting a shared network resource. On the NFS client side, a shared network resource is seen as a physical disk drive. The NFS Client does not turn your PC into a fully qualified file server. Instead, it allows simple access to folders and files for a limited number of systems on the network. The NFS Client has a multi-threaded code developed for the Win32 environment and is designed to work with the built-in MS Windows TCP/IP-32 protocol stack. The NFS-Client supports NFS-2 protocol via UDP and TCP/IP. The NFS Client can be installed on any MS Windows to enable your workstation to benefit from networks NFS-Server services. With the help of the NFS Client, you can mount disks and folders from network, no matter under which operating system they reside, and make them as part of your familiar local desktop environment. The NFS Server The NFS-Server is a network file server that supports the NFS protocol version 3, the NFS protocol version 2, WebNFS. It has a multi-threaded code developed for the Win32 environment and is designed to work with the built-in MS Windows TCP/IP-32 protocol stack. The main feature of the NFS-Server utility is to provide access to hard disk space and files residing on your PC to users working on other network nodes under different operating systems (with NFS client support and TCP/IP). The NFS-Server can be installed on any MS Windows to share your local drives and folders with other networked users, no matter which operating system they are running on their workstations. Only a NFS Client is required on that system for users to mount your disks as part of their system.

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There are four main components in ProNFS: 1) NFS client – This component is a special MS Windows utility that allows a user to browse, open, delete and edit, and transfer files over a network. 2) NFS Server – This component provides file services to the NFS Client. 3) Session Manager – This component is a special MS Windows utility used to manage sessions. Session Manager acts as a central control point in ProNFS, providing file access capabilities. 4) Remote Desktop Server – This component is a special MS Windows utility used to initiate and manage remote desktop sessions. Remote Desktop Server is a graphical interface for the NFS Client component and the Session Manager component. 1) ProNFS Client ProNFS Client has two separate parts: the NFS Client (i.e. the graphical client used to connect to the server) and the remote desktop client (i.e. the desktop environment used to launch and control the NFS client). The NFS client has a multi-threaded code developed for the Win32 environment and is designed to work with the built-in MS Windows TCP/IP-32 protocol stack. It supports NFS-2 protocol via UDP and TCP/IP. The NFS Client is always run in the background, ready to launch and control the NFS client. ProNFS provides a convenient graphical interface for launching the NFS Client. The Client session Manager provides the following features: 1) File transfer – It allows users to drag-and-drop files to or from their workstation. The files are saved to and loaded from the specified share on the NFS Server. 2) Client-to-Client operations – This feature allows users to transfer files between other users’ workstations. 3) Client Management – It allows a user to manually shut down the NFS Client, control the number of threads running in the NFS Client and manage which folders are mounted on the NFS Client. 4) Connection Status – It allows users to identify their workstations, their shares on the NFS Server and their NFS Client sessions. 5) Sessions and Sessions list – It allows users to change the name of their workstation, manage sessions on their workstations and change the name of their workstation. 6) Configuration Management – This feature allows the user to manage users, shares and sessions. 7) Auto Connection – This feature allows a user to automatically connect to the shared folder when the
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KEYMACRO is a program allowing the user to specify a hard disk drive to be used as a Key for a new Windows operating system installation. It has the ability to enable or disable the key for a new Windows operating system installation. It can be used by IT specialists and by computer enthusiasts to save the time of configuring system after a new system installation. DESCRIPTION: KEYMACRO is a program allowing the user to specify a hard disk drive to be used as a Key for a new Windows operating system installation. It has the ability to enable or disable the key for a new Windows operating system installation. It can be used by IT specialists and by computer enthusiasts to save the time of configuring system after a new system installation. Features: – Generates 32-character binary key (SHA1,MD5, RIPEMD160 hashes, DSA 1024, DSA 2048). – Support Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista. – Generates Key according to Installation Source, type of the Operating system, Region, Release Date, Version, Language, Manufacturer, Computer Type, Memory Size, Model Name, Architecture and key’s Name. – Allocated unique key name for the KEYMACRO operation. – Use the generated key, it will be used as a Key for a new Windows operating system installation. – Generates key for existing Windows installation. – Generate key for a new Windows operating system installation. – Generate key according to Installation Source, type of the Operating system, Region, Release Date, Version, Language, Manufacturer, Computer Type, Memory Size, Model Name, Architecture and key’s Name. – Use the generated key, it will be used as a Key for a new Windows operating system installation. – Generates key for existing Windows installation. – Generate key for a new Windows operating system installation. – Generate key according to Installation Source, type of the Operating system, Region, Release Date, Version, Language, Manufacturer, Computer Type, Memory Size, Model Name, Architecture and key’s Name. – Use the generated key, it will be used as a Key for a new Windows operating system installation. – Generates key for existing Windows installation. – Generate key for a new Windows operating system installation. – Generate key according to Installation Source, type of the Operating system, Region, Release Date, Version, Language, Manufacturer, Computer Type, Memory Size, Model Name, Architecture and key a86638bb04
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The NFS Client was created by Tal Berezovski. In case you want to ask any question or want to say thanks: You can email Tal Berezovski (, just type “Thanks” in the email and I will reply with your mail address. Mail: ______________________ Users of the NFS Client can contact the developers of the NFS Client at: Tal Berezovski (, just type “Thanks” in the email and I will reply with your mail address. Mail: The ProNFS is a Windows Terminal Service package that provides a simple and reliable means of creating a terminal service client that may connect to various computers running an NT operating system (OS), Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 3.51 SP1, Windows NT 3.5 SP2, Windows NT 3.51 SP2 or Windows 2000, Windows 2000 SP2, Windows 2000 SP3 and Windows XP. The ProNFS is a software utility that, in addition to remote terminal services, provides a means of building and deploying a multi-function terminal server from which your NT computers can connect remotely. ProNFS also provides a means of sharing your NT computers to a wide range of clients. ProNFS can easily be configured to let you: connect your NT computers from across the network to a Windows terminal server, connect your NT computers from across the network to one or more Remote Desktop Server, share your NT computers from across the network to clients of your choice. The ProNFS is a complex package for integrating the Microsoft Windows and TCP/IP network environments. ProNFS is an effective tool that helps you transform a standard PC running under MS Windows into a multi-function terminal. Being based on the TCP/IP open standards, the package integrates a PC into an interoperable computer network. The network of dissimilar computers and operating systems becomes perfectly transparent to you. ProNFS enables you to work on your PC’s screen with several applications executed simultaneously on various network nodes. As a result, a heterogeneous network appears to you as a unified large computer system arranged directly on your desktop. ProNFS has both the NFS Client and Server bundled into its program. The NFS Client The NFS Client is an
What’s New In ProNFS?
The program is a multi-purpose terminal designed for network usage. It allows you to mount your local hard drive and network hard drive to the network. You can access your local hard drive and network hard drive from the network users working under various operating systems. Features: * Support all versions of NFS, including version 2 and 3 * Supports all Windows versions * Remotely mount your hard drive and the network hard drive to the network * Allows access to the hard drive from the users who have the NFS-Client program installed * Mount hard drive to the network at any time * Users can remotely login to the server * Hard drive can be mounted to another NFS server * Supports clients on different operating systems. Supports: MS Windows XP, 2000, NT, ME, 95, NT 3.x, CE, 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Server * Supports all Windows platforms (32-bit and 64-bit) * Supports a variety of remote login clients. Supported: Telnet, rlogin, SSH, WinSCP * Supports all versions of NFS, including version 2 and 3 * Support of the latest network protocols (NFS, WebNFS) * Supports all NFS versions. Supports: NFS 2 and NFS 3 * Supports all Windows versions * Supports the new advanced features of NFS version 3, such as ACL, OPEN, OPEN_ALL, MKDIR, MKDIR_ALL, RENAME_ALL, SYMLINK_ALL, RMDIR * Support for any number of hard drives. Supports: Disk Image Backup (PRESTART), Remote Folders Backup (PRESTART), Remote Upload (PRESTART), Remote Disk Hiding (PRESTART) * Support for a maximum of 8 NFS servers * Supports any number of hard drives. Supports: Disk Image Backup (PRESTART), Remote Folders Backup (PRESTART), Remote Upload (PRESTART), Remote Disk Hiding (PRESTART) * Support a maximum of 8 NFS servers * Supports a maximum of 8 hard drives at the same time * Supports a maximum of 8 NFS servers * Supports a maximum of 8 hard drives at the same time * Supports a maximum of 8 NFS servers * Supports a maximum of 8 hard drives at the same time Requirements: * MS Windows 98/ME/2000/NT/2000 Server/XP * MS Windows NT 4.0 * MS Windows NT 3.1 (with the Win32 SDK) Installation: * Execute the ProNFS installer * Click Next * Click Install * Click Finish * Run the program. * Click Start * Click Help * Click About * Click Exit * To uninstall: * Run the uninstaller: ** C:\Program Files\Pro!!TOP!!
System Requirements:
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