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.Grafting behaviour of xylanases and cellulases on lignocellulose substrates: An insight into their potential for biorefinery applications.
Enzyme-accelerated lignocellulose biorefining (ELB) is an emerging biorefinery technology, which replaces energy intensive processes like steam explosion and multi-enzymatic hydrolysis in order to increase the rate of production and decrease production costs. This study focuses on two ELB strategies, namely substrate hydrolysis by endoglucanase and xylanase, and in comparison to the conventional multi-enzymatic hydrolysis approach. For the evaluation of the quality of substrates, the possibility of correlating monosaccharide composition with lignin, cellulose and xylan was explored for spruce and poplar substrates. For the first time, xylanase was found to be much more specific than cellulases for xylan and β-1,4-xylans, resulting in a higher monosaccharide yield. For xylanase-accelerated hydrolysis, the yield of xylan, cellulose and lignin decreased for spruce, but was higher for poplar, while the release of soluble sugars increased for all substrates. For xylanase-accelerated hydrolysis, the oligomeric distributions of sugars were similar to the ones resulting from cellulase-assisted hydrolysis, while the release of xylo-oligomers was much lower. For cellulase-assisted hydrolysis, no xylanase effect on the oligomeric distribution of sugars was observed. Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic substrates offers the possibility for the production of biofuels and/or
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