
Pulmonary Physiology Lange Physiology By Michael G Levitzky

Pulmonary Physiology Lange Physiology By Michael G Levitzky: A Review

Pulmonary physiology is the study of how the lungs and the respiratory system function and interact with other organs and systems in the body. It is essential for understanding many aspects of clinical medicine, such as respiratory diseases, anesthesia, critical care, and exercise physiology. Pulmonary physiology also has non-respiratory functions, such as acid-base regulation, blood filtration, and immune defense.

One of the best books on pulmonary physiology is Pulmonary Physiology Lange Physiology By Michael G Levitzky, a concise yet comprehensive guide that covers all the major concepts and topics in this field. The book is part of the Lange Physiology Series, a collection of books that emphasize comprehension of fundamental principles over memorization of facts. The book is written by Michael G. Levitzky, PhD, Professor of Physiology and Anesthesiology at Louisiana State University Medical Center.

What does the book offer?

The book offers a clear and logical presentation of pulmonary physiology, with numerous figures, tables, and appendices that illustrate and summarize the material. The book also provides clinical correlations, study questions, problem-based examples, and updated references at the end of each chapter. The book covers 11 chapters that span from the structure and function of the respiratory system to the respiratory system under stress.

Some of the topics covered in the book are:

  • The mechanics of breathing, including lung volumes, pressures, compliance, resistance, work, and power.
  • The alveolar ventilation, including dead space, gas exchange, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and respiratory quotient.
  • The blood flow to the lung, including pulmonary circulation, regional blood flow, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary embolism.
  • The ventilation-perfusion relationships, including shunt, physiologic dead space, alveolar gas equation, arterial blood gases, and oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.
  • The diffusion of gases,
  • including Fick’s law,
  • diffusion capacity,
  • diffusion limitation,
  • and diffusion impairment.
  • The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood,
  • including hemoglobin structure and function,
  • oxygen affinity and cooperativity,
  • Bohr effect,
  • Haldane effect,
  • chloride shift,
  • and carbonic anhydrase.
  • The regulation of acid-base status,
  • including acid-base balance,
  • buffer systems,
  • Henderson-Hasselbalch equation,
  • acid-base disturbances,
  • compensation mechanisms,
  • and acid-base nomogram.
  • The control of breathing,
  • including central and peripheral chemoreceptors,
  • lung receptors,
  • neural pathways,
  • respiratory centers,
  • reflexes,
  • and factors affecting breathing.
  • The non-respiratory functions of the lung,
  • such as metabolism of hormones and drugs,
  • synthesis of surfactant and angiotensin converting enzyme,
  • filtration of blood clots and air bubbles,
  • immune defense against pathogens,
  • and production of sound.
  • The respiratory system under stress,
  • such as high altitude,
  • diving,
  • exercise,
  • sleep,
  • aging,
  • pregnancy,
  • obesity,
  • smoking,
  • and air pollution.

Who is the book for?

The book is intended for students and professionals who need a solid background in pulmonary physiology for their education or practice. The book is suitable for:

  • First and second year medical students who want to prepare for their courses or exams.
  • Nursing practitioner students who want to learn more about respiratory function and disease.
  • Physician assistant students who want to review the essentials of pulmonary physiology.
  • Residents in internal medicine,
  • anesthesiology,
  • pediatrics,
  • pulmonary medicine,
  • and critical care who want to refresh their knowledge or update their skills.
  • Respiratory therapists who want to understand the underlying principles of their work.

How is the book organized?

The book is organized into 11 chapters, each covering a major aspect of pulmonary physiology. The chapters are arranged in a logical sequence, starting from the basic structure and function of the respiratory system, to the more advanced topics of gas transport, acid-base regulation, and respiratory control. The book also includes a chapter on the non-respiratory functions of the lung, and a chapter on the respiratory system under stress.

Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives that outline the main concepts and skills that the reader should acquire after reading the chapter. The chapter then presents the material in a clear and concise manner, with frequent use of figures, tables, and equations to illustrate and summarize the key points. The chapter also provides clinical correlations that show how the concepts apply to real-life situations and diseases. At the end of each chapter, there are clinical study questions and answers that test the reader’s comprehension and application of the material. There are also problem-based examples that challenge the reader to solve clinical cases using pulmonary physiology principles. The book also provides an appendix that contains useful formulas and values for pulmonary physiology calculations.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book?

The book has many strengths that make it a valuable resource for learning and reviewing pulmonary physiology. Some of these strengths are:

  • The book is concise yet comprehensive, covering all the essential topics in pulmonary physiology without unnecessary details or repetition.
  • The book is clear and logical, presenting the material in an organized and coherent manner that facilitates understanding and retention.
  • The book is well-illustrated, using figures, tables, and equations to support and enhance the text.
  • The book is clinically relevant, providing correlations, questions, and examples that link pulmonary physiology to clinical medicine.
  • The book is updated, reflecting the latest research and developments in pulmonary physiology.

The book has few weaknesses that may limit its usefulness for some readers. Some of these weaknesses are:

  • The book is brief and concise, which may not provide enough depth or detail for some readers who want a more thorough or comprehensive coverage of pulmonary physiology.
  • The book is focused on pulmonary physiology, which may not address some aspects of respiratory medicine that involve other disciplines or systems.
  • The book is written for students and professionals who have a basic background in physiology and medicine, which may not suit some readers who need more introductory or foundational material.

How does the book compare to other books on pulmonary physiology?

The book is comparable to other books on pulmonary physiology in terms of its scope, depth, and quality. However, the book has some distinctive features that make it stand out from other books. Some of these features are:

  • The book is concise and focused, avoiding unnecessary details or repetition that may confuse or bore the reader.
  • The book is clear and logical, using a consistent and coherent style and format that facilitate understanding and retention.
  • The book is well-illustrated, using high-quality figures, tables, and equations that support and enhance the text.
  • The book is clinically relevant, providing correlations, questions, and examples that link pulmonary physiology to clinical medicine.
  • The book is updated, reflecting the latest research and developments in pulmonary physiology.

Some of the books that are similar to this book are:

  • Pulmonary Physiology by John B. West, a classic and comprehensive text that covers all aspects of pulmonary physiology in depth.
  • Pulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology by John B. West, a concise and integrated text that combines pulmonary physiology and pathophysiology in a problem-based approach.
  • Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials by John B. West, a brief and simplified text that focuses on the pathophysiology of common pulmonary disorders.
  • Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials by John B. West, a short and basic text that covers the core concepts of respiratory physiology.

What are the main takeaways from the book?

The book provides a solid background in pulmonary physiology that is essential for understanding clinical medicine. The book teaches the reader how to:

  • Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system at different levels of organization.
  • Explain the physical principles and mechanisms that govern the mechanics of breathing.
  • Calculate and interpret the parameters of alveolar ventilation and gas exchange.
  • Analyze and evaluate the factors that affect blood flow to the lung and ventilation-perfusion relationships.
  • Understand and apply the laws of diffusion and their implications for gas transport across the alveolar-capillary membrane.
  • Describe and compare the ways oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in the blood.
  • Regulate and assess the acid-base status of the body using various methods and tools.
  • Identify and describe the neural and chemical factors that control breathing under normal and abnormal conditions.
  • Recognize and appreciate the non-respiratory functions of the lung in metabolism, synthesis, filtration, immunity, and sound production.
  • Predict and explain how the respiratory system responds to various stressors such as altitude, diving, exercise, sleep, aging, pregnancy, obesity, smoking, and air pollution.


Pulmonary Physiology Lange Physiology By Michael G Levitzky is a concise yet comprehensive guide that covers all the major concepts and topics in pulmonary physiology. The book is part of the Lange Physiology Series, a collection of books that emphasize comprehension of fundamental principles over memorization of facts. The book is written by Michael G. Levitzky, PhD, Professor of Physiology and Anesthesiology at Louisiana State University Medical Center.

The book provides a clear and logical presentation of pulmonary physiology, with numerous figures, tables, and appendices that illustrate and summarize the material. The book also provides clinical correlations, study questions, problem-based examples, and updated references at the end of each chapter. The book covers 11 chapters that span from the structure and function of the respiratory system to the respiratory system under stress.

The book is intended for students and professionals who need a solid background in pulmonary physiology for their education or practice. The book is suitable for first and second year medical students, nursing practitioner students, physician assistant students, residents in internal medicine, anesthesiology, pediatrics, pulmonary medicine, and critical care, and respiratory therapists.

The book is comparable to other books on pulmonary physiology in terms of its scope, depth, and quality. However, the book has some distinctive features that make it stand out from other books. The book is concise and focused, clear and logical, well-illustrated, clinically relevant, and updated.

The book provides a solid background in pulmonary physiology that is essential for understanding clinical medicine. The book teaches the reader how to describe, explain, calculate, interpret, analyze, evaluate, understand, apply, recognize, predict, and appreciate various aspects of pulmonary physiology.



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