
Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version

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Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version

If you are a fan of erotic thrillers, you may have heard of Salon Kitty 1976, a controversial film that depicts the Nazi regime’s use of sex and espionage to control and manipulate its enemies. The film is based on a true story of a brothel in Berlin that was run by the SS and used to spy on high-ranking officials and diplomats. The film was directed by Tinto Brass, who is known for his explicit and provocative style of filmmaking. The film was originally released in a heavily censored version, but later a DVD version with the uncut scenes was made available. The uncut version is more graphic and shocking than the original version, and it reveals more details about the characters and the plot.

What is Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version?

Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version is a DVD version of the film Salon Kitty 1976 that contains the scenes that were cut from the original release. The uncut version has a running time of 133 minutes, while the original version has a running time of 110 minutes. The uncut version has more nudity, violence, and sexual content than the original version, and it also has some scenes that were not included in the original version at all.

The uncut version of the film follows the same story as the original version, but it adds more depth and complexity to the characters and the events. The film tells the story of Kitty Kellermann (Ingrid Thulin), the owner of a luxurious brothel in Berlin that caters to high-class clientele. She is approached by Helmut Wallenberg (Helmut Berger), an SS officer who wants to use her brothel as a front for his espionage operation. He plans to install hidden microphones and cameras in the rooms and recruit loyal Nazi prostitutes to seduce and spy on the guests. He also wants to replace Kitty’s girls with his own agents, who are trained to act as prostitutes.

Kitty agrees to cooperate with Wallenberg, but she soon realizes that he is a ruthless and sadistic man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. She also develops a relationship with one of her girls, Margherita (Teresa Ann Savoy), who is secretly a spy for the resistance. Kitty and Margherita try to sabotage Wallenberg’s operation and expose his crimes, but they face many dangers and challenges along the way.

What are the features of Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version?

Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version has many features that make it a unique and interesting film. Some of these features are:

  • The film is based on a true story of a brothel in Berlin that was used by the Nazis for espionage during World War II. The film is also inspired by the novel Salon Kitty by Peter Norden, which was published in 1967.
  • The film is directed by Tinto Brass, who is known for his erotic and controversial films, such as Caligula (1979) and The Key (1983). Brass has a distinctive style of filmmaking that combines realism, satire, humor, and sensuality.
  • The film has a stellar cast of actors, such as Ingrid Thulin, Helmut Berger, Teresa Ann Savoy, John Steiner, Bekim Fehmiu, and John Ireland. The actors deliver powerful and convincing performances that portray the complex emotions and motivations of their characters.
  • The film has a rich and detailed production design that recreates the atmosphere and aesthetics of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. The film uses authentic costumes, props, sets, and locations that capture the glamour and decadence of the era.
  • The film has a provocative and shocking content that explores themes such as sex, power, corruption, violence, betrayal, resistance, and morality. The film does not shy away from showing graphic scenes of nudity, violence, and sexual abuse that challenge the viewers’ sensibilities and expectations.

How to watch Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version online?

If you want to watch Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version online, you will need to find a reliable and legal source that offers the film in high quality and with subtitles. You will also need a good internet connection and a compatible device, such as a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone.

Here are some steps to watch Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version online:

  1. Search for a website that provides the film in streaming or download format. You can use a search engine, such as Google or Bing, to find such websites. You can also use a website that specializes in finding and reviewing online sources for films, such as JustWatch or IMDb.
  2. Choose a website that offers the film in the uncut version and in high quality. You can check the version and the quality of the film by looking at the description, the rating, the reviews, or the screenshots of the website. You can also compare different websites and choose the one that suits your preferences and budget.
  3. Sign up for an account on the website if required. You may need to provide some personal information, such as your name, email address, or credit card details. You may also need to agree to the terms and conditions of the website.
  4. Select the option to stream or download the film. If you choose to stream the film, you will need to have a stable internet connection and a compatible device that can play the film. You may also need to install a plugin or an app on your device to stream the film. If you choose to download the film, you will need to have enough space on your device to store the film. You may also need to install a software or an app on your device to play the film.
  5. Enjoy watching Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version online!

What are the reviews and ratings of Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version?

Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version is a film that has received mixed reviews and ratings from critics and audiences. Some people praise the film for its bold and daring content, its artistic and historical value, its cast and production design, and its director’s vision. Others criticize the film for its excessive and gratuitous content, its lack of coherence and credibility, its exploitation and sensationalism, and its director’s indulgence.

The film has a rating of 5.4 out of 10 on IMDb, based on 3,596 user votes. The film also has a rating of 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 10 critic reviews. The film has a rating of 2.9 out of 5 on Amazon, based on 59 customer reviews.

Here are some examples of the reviews and ratings of Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version:

  • “Salon Kitty is a fascinating and disturbing film that exposes the dark side of Nazi Germany and its use of sex as a weapon. The film is not for the faint-hearted, as it shows graphic scenes of nudity, violence, and sexual abuse that may shock and offend some viewers. However, the film also has a historical and artistic merit, as it is based on a true story and directed by a renowned filmmaker. The film has a stellar cast of actors who deliver powerful performances that convey the complex emotions and motivations of their characters. The film also has a rich and detailed production design that recreates the atmosphere and aesthetics of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. Salon Kitty is a film that challenges the viewers’ sensibilities and expectations, and it deserves to be seen in its uncut version.” – 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon
  • “Salon Kitty is a mess of a film that tries to be a serious and provocative drama but ends up being a cheap and vulgar exploitation flick. The film is full of errors and inconsistencies that make it hard to follow or believe. The film also has no moral or message, as it only shows scenes of sex and violence that serve no purpose other than to shock and titillate the viewers. The film has no redeeming qualities, as it wastes the talents of its actors and director. The film also has a poor and outdated production design that fails to capture the glamour and decadence of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. Salon Kitty is a film that insults the viewers’ intelligence and taste, and it should be avoided at all costs.” – 1 out of 5 stars on Amazon

What are some alternatives to Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version?

If you are interested in watching films that are similar to Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version, you may want to check out some of these alternatives. These are films that also deal with themes such as sex, power, corruption, violence, betrayal, resistance, and morality in Nazi Germany or other historical settings. These are films that also have erotic and controversial content that may appeal to fans of Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version. However, these are films that also have different styles, perspectives, and qualities that may offer a different experience to the viewers.

Here are some alternatives to Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version:

  • The Night Porter (1974): This is a film that tells the story of a former Nazi officer and a Holocaust survivor who rekindle their sadomasochistic relationship in a Vienna hotel in the 1950s. The film is directed by Liliana Cavani and stars Dirk Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling.
  • Inglourious Basterds (2009): This is a film that tells the story of a group of Jewish-American soldiers who plot to assassinate Nazi leaders in France during World War II. The film is directed by Quentin Tarantino and stars Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Melanie Laurent, and Diane Kruger.
  • The Reader (2008): This is a film that tells the story of a young German lawyer who discovers that his former lover, an older woman who taught him how to read and write, was a Nazi guard at a concentration camp. The film is directed by Stephen Daldry and stars Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, and David Kross.
  • Caligula (1979): This is a film that tells the story of the Roman emperor Caligula and his reign of madness and depravity in the first century AD. The film is directed by Tinto Brass and stars Malcolm McDowell, Helen Mirren, Peter O’Toole, and John Gielgud.
  • The Piano Teacher (2001): This is a film that tells the story of a middle-aged piano teacher who engages in a twisted sexual relationship with her young student. The film is directed by Michael Haneke and stars Isabelle Huppert, Benoit Magimel, and Annie Girardot.


Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version is a film that depicts the Nazi regime’s use of sex and espionage to control and manipulate its enemies. The film is based on a true story of a brothel in Berlin that was run by the SS and used to spy on high-ranking officials and diplomats. The film is directed by Tinto Brass, who is known for his explicit and provocative style of filmmaking. The film was originally released in a heavily censored version, but later a DVD version with the uncut scenes was made available. The uncut version is more graphic and shocking than the original version, and it reveals more details about the characters and the plot.

The film has received mixed reviews and ratings from critics and audiences. Some people praise the film for its bold and daring content, its artistic and historical value, its cast and production design, and its director’s vision. Others criticize the film for its excessive and gratuitous content, its lack of coherence and credibility, its exploitation and sensationalism, and its director’s indulgence.

If you want to watch Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version online, you will need to find a reliable and legal source that offers the film in high quality and with subtitles. You will also need a good internet connection and a compatible device. You can follow some steps to watch the film online, such as searching for a website that provides the film, choosing a website that offers the film in the uncut version and in high quality, signing up for an account on the website if required, selecting the option to stream or download the film, and enjoying watching the film online.

If you are interested in watching films that are similar to Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version, you may want to check out some alternatives. These are films that also deal with themes such as sex, power, corruption, violence, betrayal, resistance, and morality in Nazi Germany or other historical settings. These are films that also have erotic and controversial content that may appeal to fans of Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version. However, these are films that also have different styles, perspectives, and qualities that may offer a different experience to the viewers.

Salon Kitty 1976 DVDRip Uncut Version is a film that challenges the viewers’ sensibilities and expectations, and it deserves to be seen in its uncut version.



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