We embrace our young people’s diversity, embrace the humanity of every person, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We honor that and know that this gives them enormous opportunity. We also understand that schools have a special responsibility to address inclusively and celebrate the inherent differences of people who live in this country, even if they have a different culture, language or religion than that of the majority.
The school is a powerful tool for using the arts to make connections and to help students understand themselves, their family, and their place in the world. The arts enliven, provoke and break down barriers to understanding and build social change. Participation in the arts is a great way to reflect on our own identities and to understand other cultures.
We are a very small community and most of our stories are centered around our school. All rights reserved. We are a very small community and most of our stories are centered around our school. All rights reserved.
The footage was set to Playground Love by the French band Air, a song made for the 1999 film The Virgin Suicides, which begins with the line Im a high school lover. I chose it for its provocation, and in retrospect, because it captured the kind of atmospheric languidness that teenagers often mistake for knowingness. I thought I knew what I was doing. I was fucking with the gaze.
The uniform is a reflection of the highly cohesive culture here, and it comes with a lot of social power. It says something about the culture of the school. It says something about the way you live your life. My uniform is definitely not my choice. I dont have a choice to wear these clothes.
They arent my friends, nor am I a member of this culture.
The government has granted me zero dollars. They gave it to me in a few instalments. They just didnt understand why I needed to work. Who would? I don’t have a husband. I dont have a boyfriend. I dont have a life. I just want to know what my life is going to be like. I want to be happy. I want to be healed. I want to be able to laugh again. I want to have a family. I want to get married. I want to live to get married. I dont have health insurance. I dont have dental insurance. I dont have vision insurance. I dont have health insurance. I dont have dental insurance. I dont have vision insurance. I dont have a family. I dont have a boyfriend. I dont have a marriage license. I dont have any way of being able to get the right to live on my own. I can get a university degree. I can get a job. I can survive. I cant survive. I dont have any money. Nobody has ever given me money. They gave me a few thousand dollars to go to school. They gave me a little bit of money to get me a house. They gave me a lawyer. They gave me counselling. They gave me money to send to my family. They gave me a plane ticket to go home. They gave me a few thousand dollars to pay for my clothing. My parents have given me a few thousand dollars for my surgeries. That is about all I have ever received.
In April, the Cherokee County School District had the honor of hosting the U.S. Department of Education’s School Improvement Grant to Partner (SIG) Program, along with the Cherokee County Educational Service Center (CCESC). Through the program, the district received over $6.5 million for its Career Pathways programs in Special Education, English Language Learners, Career, and Career Pathway. They received approximately $2.5 million from the federal government, while the remaining $3.1 million is being provided by the Cherokee County Educational Service Center (CCESC).