Shaiya Tr Bot Download
player numbers in shaiya usually range from 500 to 2,000 players which makes it easier to join but less to play against other players. with other games there is a quite large number of players that plays an mmo. players usually try to find different mmo games that suits them and shaiya also has many guilds and other activities which aid them. in shaiya there is a ‘welcome bottle’ system, which means there is a welcome party for a new player if they haven’t played an mmo in a while.
game modes in shaiya can be the typical “question and answer” where the player fills in a form, and in “puzzle” mode a letter is given and the player has to guess what it might be. a popular game mode is the “brussels challenge”, players have to find the most number of brussels in the game. in practice people play it either for the enjoyment of the game, or just for bragging rights.
guild system in shaiya is unique in its own way, it doesn’t feel like a typical guild system and a lot of people have their own ideas on that. guild activities can be made to satisfy the needs of the players. for example, the guild point team can gather guild points for items that can only be obtained through a raid. guild classes can be learnt and play requests can be issued to members within the guild. community leaders, advisers or volunteers in the guild can offer assistance to the members, especially in the areas that are needed and there are always active people who offer their services for free.
combat in shaiya is done by throwing weapons at the opponent. a game such as this has multiple variables and the speed of attack and defense depends on the character, how fast and strong the player is. with some attacks being very slow and some being very fast, players should familiarise themselves with the different attacks.
the most important aspect of the modes that shaiya uses is permadeath. normally with mmos, player progression is built up through levels, not through power. permadeath is a system that creates power by forcing players to grow and progress, and then punishing them with unavoidable death and not being able to recuperate those skills. it’s a system that heavily encourages player to engage in the content over and over again in order to unlock content, to a point where it’s hard to be excited about doing that content in the first place.
with shaiya, things aren’t always so simple. the system is based around a point system where players have to engage in an activity that is conceptually linked to a skill, aka a “skill tree.” for example, a ranger’s special abilities are tied to the tree in the manner that making the water jump is tied to the growth skill, while killing a boss is tied to the combination skill. when a skill tree is finished, the points that you’ve earned go towards an entry fee. in this way, players can compete against the skill tree of other players who have already finished their tree.
there are two (and potentially more) skill trees per class and the tree has a clear path of progression. when players reach a certain point in a tree, they unlock a skill that will increase a special ability or buff a certain statistic, which becomes increasingly powerful as they unlock more points in the tree. the skill tree is never completed, players will always have the choice of what to focus their time on. this is what makes shaiya so unique. even if players with a certain class are meant to focus on a certain skill tree, they can compete against players who chose different classes and have the advantage of having more experience points.