
Simcity 4 Deluxe Plugin 1853604557 LINK ➝

Simcity 4 Deluxe Plugin 1853604557 LINK ➝


Simcity 4 Deluxe Plugin 1853604557

ah, the police station building plugin. this was my first useful mod for simcity 4. i added it to one of my early cities, and it has only continued to grow over time. i use it mainly for one main reason. unlike some other simcity 4 plugins, the pssb plugin doesn’t directly affect the game. you can add it, and it will simply sit there. this is a very useful plugin to have because it allows you to create very quickly large metropolitan cities. it also allows you to change the building paths a bit, improving the realism of the cities.

the yacht plugin allows you to add a larger-than-life cruise liner to your cities. this is a great feature for cities that need to be large, yet also have an attractive downtown area. for example, if you need to build a large metropolis on an island, you can use this plugin to create a city that will naturally be large, and still feel like one of the larger ones. you can also have multiple yachts if you want. however, because the yachts are floating, they tend to sink if you don’t build a sufficient foundation or if the anchor plug isn’t attached.

this is a great plugin because it allows you to put the matching boxes in the air by using the multi air balloon plugin. i personally prefer this method over the classic floating buildings method. the multi air balloon functionality also allows you to customize which air balloon your in-city traffic uses.

in version 22, the july 2007 release, aqmax was integrated with the nam for the first time, and higher priority priorities for many new nam plugins were set, while later being overridden by more user-requested priorities. this was done in part to reduce the effect of the issues that had occurred in aqua version 20, in combination with previous nam and aqua core mod work that had also been done. version 22 also marked the introduction of the nam pickup ladder, nam launder, and nam hanger.

the following four plugins allow to create the full progression from the very basic “roads” tools by nam project 26 and 27, to be independent from the roads themselves, to the ultimate goal of a fully-fledged road world, whereas the former plugins usually allow to edit individual roads. in addition, the plugins allow to retest/upgrade/downgrade the important nam objects without having to delete and re-create them.
the nam team decided earlier in 2011 to move away from the existing modular nam concept and toward adopting a monolithic nam paradigm for nam version 31. after the monolithic nam was implemented, all previous major external nam plugins, such as the realhighway, network widening mod, rail addon mod, high speed rail project, street addon mod and rural roads plugin, were merged into the nam core itself, simplifying the package considerably.
but after passing that point, other considerations emerged which are detailed in the installation notes page , which is where i have put up some notes on my experiences with installing various nam plugins to date. using a file based approach to the installation process means that it is a one-time or very, very minor investment, as you only need the nam plugin install application, which is also the only component you will find in the unzipped archive.
the traffic simulation plugin is a graphical frontend to the nam unified traffic simulator, basically allowing to edit the roads in place and the various states on the map (highways, streets, freeways, lanes, etc.).
the graphics overhaul plugins was created due to the limitations of previous nam graphics plugins, which were limited by the fact that the (autodesk) maya and (google) 3d warehouse textures contained only 2 different road textures. this allowed only for very little customization and would result in a very boring city. since the images in the 3d warehouse are not even at the same size, also terrain colors are very limited, often leading to a terrain which is not green, but more grayish-brown.


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