Software Anatomia Canina 3D [NEW]

Software Anatomia Canina 3D
a prototipagem rpida (pr) uma tecnologia inovadora que permite obter o prottipo de um molde com rapidez e preciso a partir de um modelo virtual. a investigaion empreendida censo analisou o uso da fotogrametria e prototipagem 3d para a produo de biomodelos de ossos da espcie canina, para treinamento em tcnicas ortopdicas em medicina veterinria. foram utilizados biomodelos virtual criados atravs da tcnica de fotogrametria de peas anatmicas comerciais e biomodelagem fsica atravs de impresso 3d. foram realizadas osteotomias nos biomodelos, que serviram para realizao de osteossnteses de fmur e leo, sendo que o produto final no ofereceu risco de contaminao biolgica, foi resistente para suportar matrias especiais ortopdicas, servindo para o treinamento e planejamento cirrgico. conclumos que a utilizao da fotogrametria e pr para a produo de biomodelos de ossos da espcie canina, permitiu a execuo de tcnicas para reduo de fraturas e capacitao na utilizao de instrumentais especiais, possibilitando treinamento na rea de ortopedia veterinaria de maneira economicamente vivel e uma alternativa em substituio aos animais de experimentao.
worldwide, canine parasitoses are the second most common group of diseases, after parasitism ( meer et al., 2017meer, m.; burk, m. r.; wiebking, n. w.; wait, t. parasitology. the multidisciplinary portal of parasite infectious disease pathogenesis and management. 2017. available in:
in 2d photography, all measurements were made from the most proximal part of the bone. the following measurements were made: 1 – length of the proximal femur 2 – length of the femoral shaft 3 – length of the femoral condyle 4 – length of the knee joint
at this time, some hand, and rp augmentation solutions, including the use of digital textures for triangulation of scans, are available, but all of them are labor-intensive and require additional operators for image postprocessing.
in this study, a photoanthropometric equipment was used to collect 2d images of the bone surfaces. the aim was to establish a relationship between the bone surface and the bone geometry through 2d measurements.
the fact that human and canine bones have similar dimensions, in addition to the characteristics common to all mamals’ bones, makes the use of 3d models available in the anatomical study of the canine skeleton. the present study developed an anatomic model of a canine femur produced by 3d printing and rp.
anatomy photographs of the femurs were collected using a desktop stand, which allowed access to all parts of the bone ( figure 4 a). the brightness of the objective and the camera was adjusted to obtain a clear image of the bone ( figure 4 b). the images were measured and analyzed ( table 1). the surface area and length of the two limbs were measured using photoshop (mac os x, 2018aup, 2018. annenberg et al., 2011annenberg, d. m. et al. a study of learning and transfer in veterinary anatomy. proceedings of the sixth international conference on 3d modeling, interaction, and visualization. new york, ny: acm, 2011, p.30-37.). a secondary model of the same bone was created from a ct scan ( figure 4 c).