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École des Ponts ParisTech is a university-level institution of higher education and research in. Téléchargement Technologie et Management dans la distribution du bol sur T.. Cancerous growth is just as deadly as the poisonous substances.
École des Ponts ParisTech is a university-level institution of higher education and research in. Téléchargement Technologie et Management dans la distribution du bol sur T.. Cancerous growth is just as deadly as the poisonous substances.
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I tried searching for the proper words by “Python and XML and XMLParser” but all the tutorials give me syntax errors. I have never worked with an XML file before so I’m having a hard time understanding what I’m doing wrong. I’m thinking it’s probably because I don’t know what the in/out parameters are supposed to be for the functions I’m calling. In the tutorial a lot of the functions are just called “A.Method()”. Is this because it’s a local function inside the same file, or is it because it’s a class function? I get the feeling I’m supposed to take an xml file and put it into a function and then call it by passing the xml file into the function, but I’m not sure how.
from xml.dom import minidom
import os, re
def createTree(toCreateTree, name, url):
if url:
#print toCreateTree
#print toCreateTree[-1]
#print url
#print toCreateTree[-1][-1]
#Create The File
newFile = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), name) + “.xml”, “wb”)
for n in url:
node = minid