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Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324: A Comprehensive Guide to the Book of Admonition for the Neglectful

If you are looking for a book that can inspire you to improve your character and spirituality, you might want to check out Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324. This is a translation of a famous Islamic book written by Abu Laits As Samarqandi, a renowned scholar and mystic from the 10th century CE. The book contains various advices and warnings for those who are heedless of their duties and obligations to Allah, His Messenger, and His creation.

In this article, we will provide you with a brief overview of the book, its author, its contents, and its benefits. We will also show you how to download and read Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 for free from reliable sources. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of this valuable book and how it can help you in your journey of self-improvement and spiritual growth.

Who is Abu Laits As Samarqandi?

Abu Laits As Samarqandi was born in Samarqand, a city in present-day Uzbekistan, in the year 983 CE. He was a descendant of Abu Bakr As Siddiq, the first caliph of Islam. He studied various Islamic sciences under prominent scholars of his time, such as Abu Ali Al Farisi, Abu Bakr Al Warraq, and Abu Nasr Al Sarraj. He was also influenced by the teachings of Imam Al Ghazali, the famous theologian and philosopher.

Abu Laits As Samarqandi was known for his piety, asceticism, wisdom, and eloquence. He wrote several books on Islamic ethics, mysticism, jurisprudence, and theology. His most famous work is Tanbihul Ghafilin (Admonition for the Neglectful), which he composed in Arabic and later translated into Persian. He died in the year 1059 CE at the age of 76.

What is Tanbihul Ghafilin?

Tanbihul Ghafilin is a book that aims to awaken the hearts and minds of the Muslims from their state of heedlessness and negligence. It covers various topics related to Islamic beliefs, practices, morals, manners, and etiquette. It also contains stories and anecdotes from the lives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his companions, his successors, and other righteous people.

The book is divided into 75 chapters, each dealing with a specific theme or issue. Some of the chapters are:

  • Chapter 1: On Sincerity
  • Chapter 2: On Death and Its Agony
  • Chapter 3: On The Punishment of The Grave and Its Agony
  • Chapter 4: On The Day of Judgment, Its Terror and Horror
  • Chapter 5: On The Characteristics and Inhabitants of Hell
  • Chapter 6: On The Characteristics and Inhabitants of Paradise
  • Chapter 7: On Something That Is Hoped For From The Mercy of Allah
  • Chapter 8: On Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil
  • Chapter 9: On Repentance
  • Chapter 10: On The Obligation of The Child to Fulfill The Rights of His Parents
  • Chapter 11: On The Obligation of The Parents to Fulfill The Rights of Their Children
  • Chapter 12: On Maintaining Family Ties
  • Chapter 13: On The Rights and Obligations of Neighbors
  • Chapter 14: On The Prohibition of Drinking Alcohol and Its Like
  • Chapter 15: On The Prohibition of Lying
  • Chapter 16: On Backbiting (Talking About The Faults of Others)
  • Chapter 17: On Talebearing (Causing Discord Among People)
  • Chapter 18: On Envy (Resenting The Blessings Given to Others)
  • Chapter 19: On Pride (Feeling Superior to Others)
  • Chapter 20: On Hoarding (Storing Up Food for Profit)
  • Chapter 21: On The Prohibition of Laughing Excessively
  • Chapter 22: On Restraining Anger
  • Chapter 23: On Guarding The Tongue
  • Chapter 24: On Greed and Fantasy
  • Chapter 25: On The Virtue of The Poor
  • Chapter 26: On Disregarding The World
  • Chapter 27: On Patience in Facing Hardships and Difficulties
  • Chapter 28: On Patience in Facing Calamities
  • Chapter 29: On The Virtue of Ablution
  • Chapter 30: On The Five Daily Prayers
  • …and so on until Chapter 75.

How to Understand and Apply The Lessons of Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324?

Reading Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 is not enough to benefit from its teachings. You also need to understand and apply the lessons that you learn from this book in your daily life. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Read the book with an open mind and a sincere intention. Do not read it just for the sake of reading or for academic purposes. Read it with the intention of seeking guidance and wisdom from Allah and His Messenger.
  • Read the book with a humble and attentive heart. Do not read it with arrogance or indifference. Read it with a heart that is ready to accept and act upon the truth.
  • Read the book with a critical and reflective mind. Do not read it blindly or uncritically. Read it with a mind that is willing to question and analyze your own beliefs, actions, and habits.
  • Read the book with a consistent and gradual pace. Do not read it too fast or too slow. Read it with a pace that suits your level of understanding and comprehension.
  • Read the book with a practical and realistic approach. Do not read it as a mere theory or history. Read it as a practical guide and a living example for your life.
  • Read the book with a supportive and cooperative attitude. Do not read it alone or in isolation. Read it with others who share your interest and enthusiasm for this book. Discuss and share your insights and experiences with them.


Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 is a valuable book that can help you improve your character and spirituality. It contains various advices and warnings for those who are heedless of their duties and obligations to Allah, His Messenger, and His creation. It also contains stories and anecdotes from the lives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his companions, his successors, and other righteous people.

You can download and read Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 for free from reliable websites such as Galeri Kitab Kuning, Maktabah Az Zaen, or Terjemahkitab.com. You can also read it online without downloading it from Terjemahkitab.com. However, you should be careful and only download from trustworthy sources, as some websites might contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or steal your personal information.

To benefit from this book, you need to understand and apply the lessons that you learn from it in your daily life. You can do that by reading the book with an open mind, a humble heart, a critical mind, a consistent pace, a practical approach, and a supportive attitude.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information about Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 and how to download, read, and apply it. We also hope that this book will inspire you to improve your character and spirituality by following the guidance of Allah and His Messenger.

How to Appreciate and Enjoy The Beauty and Wisdom of Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324?

Reading Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 is not only beneficial for your personal and spiritual development, but also for your aesthetic and intellectual pleasure. This book contains many beautiful and wise expressions that can enrich your language and thought. Here are some tips on how to appreciate and enjoy the beauty and wisdom of this book:

  • Read the book with a poetic and artistic sense. Do not read it as a dry or boring text. Read it as a poetic and artistic masterpiece that uses various literary devices, such as metaphors, similes, parables, proverbs, rhymes, and rhythms.
  • Read the book with a historical and cultural awareness. Do not read it as an isolated or irrelevant text. Read it as a historical and cultural document that reflects the time and place of its author and its audience.
  • Read the book with a comparative and analytical perspective. Do not read it as a singular or absolute text. Read it as a comparative and analytical text that invites you to compare and contrast it with other texts, such as the Quran, the Hadith, the Sunnah, and other Islamic books.
  • Read the book with a creative and imaginative spirit. Do not read it as a passive or dull text. Read it as a creative and imaginative text that inspires you to create your own expressions, stories, and anecdotes based on the lessons that you learn from this book.
  • Read the book with a grateful and joyful attitude. Do not read it as a burdensome or depressing text. Read it as a grateful and joyful text that makes you thankful to Allah for His guidance and mercy, and makes you happy to follow His commands and prohibitions.

Some Examples of The Beauty and Wisdom of Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324

To give you some examples of the beauty and wisdom of Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324, we will quote some passages from this book that we find particularly beautiful and wise. We will also provide some explanations and comments on these passages.

Here are some examples:

“The world is like a shadow: if you chase it, it will run away from you; but if you turn your back on it, it will follow you.”

This is a metaphor that compares the world to a shadow. It means that if you are too attached to the world and its pleasures, you will never be satisfied or content; but if you are detached from the world and its pleasures, you will have peace and tranquility.

“The tongue is like a lion: if you let it loose, it will devour you; but if you restrain it, it will protect you.”

This is a simile that compares the tongue to a lion. It means that if you speak without thinking or control, you will harm yourself and others; but if you speak with wisdom and moderation, you will benefit yourself and others.

“The heart is like a mirror: if you polish it, it will reflect the light; but if you neglect it, it will become rusty.”

This is another simile that compares the heart to a mirror. It means that if you purify your heart from sins and vices, it will reflect the guidance and mercy of Allah; but if you ignore your heart and indulge in sins and vices, it will become darkened and hardened.

“The believer is like a bee: he eats good things, produces good things, harms no one, and benefits everyone.”

This is another metaphor that compares the believer to a bee. It means that the believer is someone who consumes lawful and wholesome things, produces good deeds and words, harms no one with his actions or speech, and benefits everyone with his kindness and generosity.


Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 is a valuable book that can help you improve your character and spirituality. It contains various advices and warnings for those who are heedless of their duties and obligations to Allah, His Messenger, and His creation. It also contains stories and anecdotes from the lives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his companions, his successors, and other righteous people.

You can download and read Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 for free from reliable websites such as Galeri Kitab Kuning, Maktabah Az Zaen, or Terjemahkitab.com. You can also read it online without downloading it from Terjemahkitab.com. However, you should be careful and only download from trustworthy sources, as some websites might contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or steal your personal information.

To benefit from this book, you need to understand and apply the lessons that you learn from it in your daily life. You can do that by reading the book with an open mind, a humble heart, a critical mind, a consistent pace, a practical approach, and a supportive attitude.

You can also appreciate and enjoy the beauty and wisdom of this book by reading it with a poetic and artistic sense, a historical and cultural awareness, a comparative and analytical perspective, a creative and imaginative spirit, and a grateful and joyful attitude.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information about Terjemahan Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin PDF 324 and how to download, read, apply, appreciate, and enjoy it. We also hope that this book will inspire you to improve your character and spirituality by following the guidance of Allah and His Messenger.



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