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The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon PS2.d2o.ru
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The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon PS2.d2o.ru
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The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon PS2.d2o.ru
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The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon PS2.d2o.ru
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Family and community recovery from mass violence: the role of social networks and instrumental reciprocity.
This study examined the role of family and community factors in predicting long-term recovery from community violence. Three variables hypothesized to explain community recovery: social networks, instrumental reciprocity and shame/guilt. The prospective study was based on a sample of 205 young adults (M age = 20.7 years at baseline, SD = 3.56) from a control group of 146 people, recruited from the same community as the exposed sample, who have not experienced a life event with proximal negative emotional effects (i.e., community violence or disaster). The sample was followed over 5 years to assess the impact of community violence and disaster exposure on the self-reported recovery of family and community members. The results showed significant associations between both family and community recovery and functional social networks. Previous research has suggested that the initial recovery is driven by interpersonal resources, while the later recovery is more associated with instrumental reciprocity and perceived shame/guilt associated with community life. The results suggest that family and community members may be better able to recover their social networks if they had a sense of knowing where to seek help. Structural characteristics of family and community members are also important to consider in terms of community recovery.Cellular electrophysiology of atrial and ventricular myocytes isolated from genetically arrhythmic mice.
A variety of mouse models of sudden unexplained death and death