
Train Simulator: LGV: Marseille – Avignon Route Add-On [Torrent]

Train Simulator: LGV: Marseille – Avignon Route Add-On [Torrent]

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Train Simulator: LGV: Marseille – Avignon Route Add-On [Torrent]

la ligne dessert un total de quatre gares, dont trois flambant neuves : la gare de valence tgv, gare unique plusieurs niveaux qui permet des correspondances faciles entre les trains grande vitesse et les trains rgionaux ; la gare d’avignon tgv, rendue populaire par sa proximit avec le centre-ville d’avignon ; et la gare d’aix-en-provence tgv, populaire car permettant de rejoindre facilement le nord de marseille et l’aroport de marseille, accessible grce un bus rgulier depuis la gare. la dernire gare est marseille saint-charles, une gare terminus construite l’origine pour desservir la rgion avoisinante de la cte d’azur. l’accs cette gare se fait via les grandes lignes classiques franaises.

train simulator is a simulator of train operation and management. train simulator is an official title of railsimulator.com and uses the simtrain interal engine.
all rights reserved. train simulator 2013, the trainsimulator.com name and logo, and the trainsimulator.com and simtrain names are trademarks of trainsimulator.com ltd. all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

ce package offre des sections sur marseille-avignon, marseille-la garde, marseille-vintimille. tous les trs sections sont en ligne avec le systme de signalisation tvm430, et la vitesse maximale est de 200 km/h en top. il est maitenu par des trains rvolutionnaires bigre vitesse. ce package offre le dernier version du train tgv duplex, en vente depuis le mois de novembre 2009.

the lgv (marseille-lyon) is the high-speed railway between marseille and lyon, it starts in the former city and finishes in the latter. a total of five lines run on this railway, including the lgv sud est. this railway has been in service since 2001 and it offers 160 km/h max. speed. this package includes a total of three sections, marseille-la garde, marseille-vintimille, and marseille-vintimille. all three sections are tgv duplex equipped, and the maximum speed is 160 km/h. this package includes the newest version of the tgv duplex train, in stock since the beginning of 2009.

2016 dovetail games, a trading name of railsimulator.com limited (dtg). all rights reserved. portions originally developed by kuju entertainment limited in association with f4g software limited. portions copyright kuju entertainment limited 2007. physics engine, physx, provided by nvidia. autodesk scaleform software, 2012 autodesk, inc. railsimulator.com and ts2016 are trademarks of dtg. dovetail games is a registered trademark of dovetail games limited.
all the times, places and events have their own stories to tell, and train sim world 2 has an extensive history which is presented to the player in the form of additional information such as biographies and encyclopaedic articles about each locomotive in the game.
take the controls of the train and discover an extensive range of content including more than 40 locomotives and over 25 different mainline routes. new game features also include a dynamic weather system, a dynamic day/night cycle, and many more improvements.
train simulator: lgv: marseille – avignon route add-on features a dynamic day/night cycle and a dynamic weather system, offering a wide range of weather effects for both day and night. weather effects change with time of day, season and weather conditions.
la ligne est quipe du systme de signalisation tvm430 (transmission voie-machine), un systme de signalisation en cabine rvolutionnaire conu pour l’exploitation de trains grande vitesse forte capacit. la signalisation conventionnelle n’est pas pratique pour les lignes trs grande vitesse, car les conducteurs n’ont que trs peu de temps pour voir et ragir ce qui file devant leur pare-brise. la tvm430 affiche des informations en cabine indiquant au conducteur quelle vitesse il doit circuler, sans avoir besoin d’quipement conventionnel au bord de la voie.


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