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The amount that you will earn depends on the number of downloads of the plugin and its use. You can withdraw most of your profits from the account without tipping. You do not know how much you will withdraw depending on your habits, but the minimum withdrawal will be 10 % of all earnings.Q:
Issue with date-time functions in SQL server
the below is the given code to date format
declare @datedate varchar(20)=’2010-01-01 12:32:00′
declare @dateformat varchar(20)=’MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss’
declare @date varchar(20)=’01-07-2010′
select @date = format(cast(convert(nvarchar(20),@date,103) as date), @dateformat)
the above code return the result like 2010-01-01 00:00:00.00000
but if my date is like 01-07-2010
why it return 01-01-0100
The way you are formatting it, you are converting them to smalldatetime. However, your format string expects two digit years that are in a 24 hour format. Something along the lines of this:
declare @datedate varchar(20)=’2010-01-01 12:32:00′
declare @dateformat varchar(20)=’yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’
declare @date varchar(20)=’01-07-2010′
select @date = format(cast(convert(nvarchar(20),@date,103) as date), @dateformat)
Will work if you are expecting to read dates in smalldatetime format.
According to this source the Cube is connected directly to the router. Both the router and the Cube were manufactured by Linksys. There are no wireless cards, no wireless cards. This is not yet confirmed by Sonos, but my investigation so far confirms this.
In their firmware update, the Sonos team asks for a phone line to be connected to the router, to do firmware upgrades and to talk to their server. The use of a Sonos server is designed to stop any hacking or power analysis attacks. The Cube is connected to the Router by a power line, the power
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